When you type the letter "P" into your address bar, what's the first suggestion that comes up?

I must have gone there recently for something; it’s not a place I hang out in habitually

No idea what I searched it for.

Guess that tells you what this time of year is like. They’re my paid subscription service for authoritative tax research.

On my work machine, it’s the company’s password manager–fat fingers lead to regular lockouts.

On my phone, it’s Politico.

Pantip, presumably Pantip Plaza, a local electronics mall.

previously.tv (the successor to televisionwithoutpity.com)

Regarding Pandora, I was recently looking for bead charms for my bracelet, and kept ending up at a music service. I finally found what I needed at pandora.net.

Photobucket is the suggestion and Photoshopessentials is the first “address”.

Pornhub? Who would type *that *into their address bar? I’ve never been there -of course- but if I ever had the notion to go, I’d “google” it and follow the link from there. That damned address bar forgets nothing! :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh, and PizzaHut would probably come up first on the home unit.



I’m surprised that’s not more popular

I use it all day long and it’s not in the google window. The sites you have bookmarked and access via bookmark links are not going to show up in your IE google search bar. The stuff you type inis what pops up there.

I think my Google just looks for local stuff. With the aforementioned Pantip in my case, I’m not an electronics geek. I never look up their website and have been inside the mall itself maybe twice this century that I can think of. Certainly I’ve never typed that in. (Plus I use Firefox. Does it work differently from IE in this regard?)

Me three! Not that Cafe Society isn’t fun, but it’s a lot more specific and it doesn’t mark all my posts as read even if I don’t read all the threads.



The popularity of Pornhub is unfathomable. There’s so many better sites out there.

My.Xfinity: Pay Your Bill

Nothing. I’m old-school and one does not ‘search’ directly in the address bar…



I do a couple of crosswords every day.