When you type the letter "P" into your address bar, what's the first suggestion that comes up?


pornhub comes in fourth.

I assume you are referencing this Daily Show with Trevor Noah: Save the Whaleshttp://boards.straightdope.com/sdmb/index.php?

Ah, finally someone besides me who had an example with an address not starting with the letter ‘p.’

ETA: of my top three, the number of them I get by entering terms into the address bar as a search is zero.

All of them are reached as links on my bookmarks bar, using Google Chrome.

pizza hut is the first suggestion from the Search box, but
is the first suggestion in the URL bar. :eek: :o

I was indeed. Cracked me the hell up.





Panera, but only because I searched for it earlier tonight.

On this box the first p entry is the url of a law firm I deal with occasionally that I happened to hit just recently.

Below that is Pinterest, Pandora, & people.com. Which is interesting because I’ve never knowingly been to any of those sites. Don’t use them, don’t even exactly know what they do. Why are they there? Scientists baffled.

Q’s list is equally mysterious.

Although I recognize everything that comes up under m, n, o & r, s, t. Color me confused.

Mighty small list in the poll.

I get my local library district, which oddly enough happens to begin with “P.”


We have them deliver kitty litter plus whatever is needed to come up to the minimum order.

I enjoy genealogy.

My electric/gas utility: pge.com

Journey Planner - Public Transport Victoria.

I don’t drive, I use it a lot.

p =

I have no idea where it is from. The other 5 are 2 searches; for an octagonal poker table and a Passoni bicycle, and 3 web sites I have been to in the last few days; my bank, the bureau of meteorology and a site for sending SMS messages from my PC.

You have to fact check some of these MFers. And that’s a fact.


The Palo Alto Medical Foundation, the medical group my doctors belong to. I’ve been having some medical issues lately.

What? Nobody else but me gets this?


Phelous.com. I don’t like all his and his girlfriend Allison (formerly Obscurus Lupa) but they have enough good stuff that I have an RSS bookmark.

Nothing after that actually starts with P, including a comic page that has “p=” in the URL, the reply box here, a Wikipedia page, and a lot of Reddit (the front page of the Internet).

p =

I have no idea where it is from. The other 5 are 2 searches; for an octagonal poker table and a Passoni bicycle, and 3 web sites I have been to in the last few days; my bank, the bureau of meteorology and a site for sending SMS messages from my PC.