Where are my posts going?

Twice in the last few days, I have made a short post in a thread, hit submit and after the post appears in the thread, close that tab and move on.
Later when I return to that thread, my post is nowhere to be found.
Most recently was the Any of you know what ‘switched off’ means? thread.
I read FormerMarineGuy (the only reply at that point) quoted it and added my $.02 maybe one sentence. I hit submit saw my post, closed that tab and moved on.
When I went back, my post is not there. :frowning:

AHA! It’s not just me then. This has happened several times this weekend. Very puzzling…

We prefer you ask a moderator in email this question.

Posted too soon.

We’ve had a few returning guest this weekend. But this isn’t about one of those.

Sorry I closed this. Now reopened. I have no idea why your post doesn’t show up in that thread.


Rough day Sam? :smiley:

Me, as well.

OK, so it isn’t just me. Is there some type of board glitch that is causing this?
Are we about to have the summer of our missed content?

I can tell you that three of your posts over the weekend were in a thread which was disappeared, along with the troll who started it. But that doesn’t account for others who have noticed this.

Do we have any clue, since it is not just me?

To hell in a handbasket?

tubadiva would be the logical person to answer this. Not that she has the answer, but she is the contact point to find one. I have no clue.

I made 2-3 posts – the latest just this morning – in a CS thread about whether Jim Carrey should be cast in a film version of Plastic Man and who should play Wonder Woman. Now the thread seems to have disappeared. Hard to imagine something so innocuous could have been posted by a troll or sock. Come to think of it, I’ve never known any CS thread to be flushed down the memory hole before, ever.

That thread was disappeared. Started by a ten-time returning troll.

Cafe Society threads, started by trolls, get disappeared all the time. With 14 post/day, you can’t possibly keep up with all of these things. :slight_smile:

I have had this happen too, it seems to happen if I post the reply and then use the back arrow to get back to the section I was in (Like I was going to a different thread). What I do now after posting a reply is to scroll back up to the top of the page and click on the Straight dope message board words (by the open file folder) and then go to a different part of the board.

It does take a minute or two sometimes for the board to refresh itself; in more intense times when the board is getting hammered pretty steadily, it may be more than a minute or two. But it does all catch up with itself eventually . . . and that’s usually within a short time.

I think you misunderstood me.
I posted to a thread, allowed the post to appear.
Closed the thread, and the next time I logged on (the following day) my post was nowhere to be found.
That does not seem like a board refresh problem to me.


Rick. I have an answer to your post in the switched off thread.

I closed that nonsensical bit of whimsy at 6:15PM on the 20th of August. I have no doubt that you posted about the time I closed that thread. So you might have seen your post in preview, but it might have been cut off when I closed it. Or something like that. I think that’s the explanation for that particular event.

Sam Nope, when I posted there was only one reply, FormerMarineGuy’s. I saw mine as post #3
There was nothing between my post and FMG’s post
The next day I come back, you have closed the thread and my post is history.
So one of several senarios are possible
The hamsters figgured it was my turn in the barrel
All those drugs I didn’t do in the 60’s are coming back to haunt me
or ???

Not really a big deal, I just am hoping that this is not the tip of a larger iceberg.

I have sent this information to the tech staff.

It happens every once in a while and usually doesn’t mean anything; it’s only when it becomes part of a larger pattern of Bad Things Happening that we get concerned.

Thank you, that is the response I was looking for. My one smart ass post is not important, but if it starts happening all over…