My patio door faces south, probably Southwestish.
So, it’s starting to warm up here in Ottawa, after a long cold lonely winter.
For three weeks now I’ve been vacuuming flies from this window.
Maybe 4 to 6 a day, but it’s increasing. Where do these fuckers come from? I’ve vacuumed about a hundred of them in the last few weeks.
Again, where do these fuckers come from? All my windows are closed, because it’s winter. WTF?
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My family had a cabin in northern Michigan, and we had a similar problem. As soon as it started to warm up at all, there were flies everywhere inside the house. In the fall, the flies would crawl into the cracks in the paneling, around windows, around doors, and go dormant, as well as lay eggs. As soon as the sun was strong enough to warm these areas, the flies would walk up. In addition to often emerging near the windows, they were also attracted to the warmth.
So… seal any and all cracks around your windows, doors, and trim. We had to figure out how to keep them out in the fall, which solved the issue in the spring.
(We still don’t speak of the time I was busily vacuuming up flies, only to discover that someone had removed the bag from the vacuum, without replacing it. It had been grinding up flies and spitting them right back.)
We had this issue on one of our patio doors. They’re called cluster flies. Maddening. Apparently they lay eggs in tiny cracks around windows and doors which then hatch when it’s warm enough. After vacuuming up hundreds of them every time it got warm, I got a bottle of Permethrin from the farm store, along with a syringe and a needle, and drizzled it into all the cracks around the door. Haven’t had the problem since.
Do have you any vents or A/C unit build into your wall ? I came home once and found hornets in my condo and they got through my A/C that build into my wall. There was a nest in my A/C and 100 or more hornets came flying out when bug spray was used! There has to be some hole or opening in your home , you need to walk around the outside of your home and see if can find any flies getting in through a vent or small hole . Or call a bug guy to help you find out how they’re getting in your home. Good luck ! I hate flies ! :eek: