Where can I buy colored latex rubber sheets by the yard?

Do companys sell latex sheets in various thickness and colors?

I know how to make latex sheeting from liquid latex, but i can never seem to get a uniform thickness.

Can you help me find a company (US or UK) that sells what im looking for?

or perhaps shed some light on getting uniform thinkness?

How big & how thick? Big difference between finding a sheet 1’ x 1’ vs 10’ by 10’. Ditto .010" thick vice .250" thick

LATEX SHEET 42" X 42" .010"( BRAND NEW)

we are making clothing out of it. so a little heavier than a rubber doctors glove

You can get four-foot wide 1/16" or 1/8" thickness sheets (thicker, too, but I doubt you want that) from an industrial supplier like McMaster-Carr.

[Bored of the Rings]
I sit on the floor and pick my nose
And dream exotic dreams
Of dragons who dress in rubber clothes
And trolls who do it in teams.

I’ve nothing useful to add but…

Briefly reading the thread title I thought you were asking for latex bedding in bright spring colours. :smiley:

Places like Mr. S Leather sell latex clothes and might also offer the material in sheets.

Probably not cheap, though, by the time they’ve gone off and imported it from the UK (last I knew, that’s where they got it from) then made their typical retail profit on it.

A quick search seems to indicate that surgical gloves go between 5 and 10 mils, typically. Ten mil material would seem to fit the OP’s requirement. But, probably not enough to make very much clothing out of it. Maybe a latex bikini. Hmm…

If you’re after rubber sheeting for garments then 4D is probably your best bet: http://http://www.fourdrubber.com

When’s the party, and how can I get invited? :wink:

ooh 4D. Im in love now.

Now I just need to find a company in the US that has the same selection so I can cut some costs on shipping.

but wow!

Kansas City, Ill let you know. last one was april<3

and yes for anyone whos wondering.

I live in a pro-dom dungeon.

Never mind - just kidding! :smiley: :eek: