Where can we get Manhattan style clam chowder in Manhattan? Need answer fast

Kayla and I are about to get off of a boat tour of liberty island. She wants me to be able to have a bowl of Manhattan style clam chowder (which I get when I can, which is not very often). But she can’t seem to find a Manhattan restaurant that will admit on their website that they serve it. In Manhattan. What the fuck?

Help me out here, guys. TIA.

Manhattan Clam Chowder did not originate in New York; it was a creation of Portuguese fishermen in Rhode Island who would travel to New York to sell their catch. I’m sure you can find it at some restaurant in Manhattan but it isn’t going to be any more authentic (or good) than anywhere else.


Okay, but still. If they’re going to pay the city the compliment of naming their soup after it, ISTM that the city could show a little appreciation and serve it here and there.

So can anyone direct me to a haberdasher who’ll sell me some red sox (I mean socks)?

You might find it at a diner with a suitably large menu. A search on Menupages turned up this establishment on the Upper East Side: