Where could I find this old Siouxsie & the Banshees video?

I LOVE the video to “Face to Face” (from the Batman Returns soundtrack, I believe) by Siouxsie and the Banshees… but I have no idea how I could go about seeing it again now. Does anyone know of a DVD collection or something that it might be on?

For that matter… how do you go about finding old videos that you liked? The ones that never get played anymore… do they just vanish?

If you have access to VH1 Classics, you may see it there. I’ve seen a few of Siouxsie’s videos there.

They also have the All Request Hour. If they play your video request, they’ll e-mail you in advance to let you know when it’ll be on.

I don’t watch music video tv. I don’t have the time or the interest. So the chances of it being on during the 30 seconds I’m willing to devote to being on that chanel are slim to none. I’m looking for a way to buy the video, so that I can see it when I want to see it, not “hope to see it eventually, one more time” yanno?

Amazon has a copy of a video collection featuring that song.

Not to mention ebay.

Thank you!! (I didn’t know that was on there… I actually looked at Amazon but only looked at DVDs, not VHS, on account of my being a total idiot!)