Where did this catchphrase come from?

In the thread about things your grandparents said, which I’m too lazy to link to, a lot of the things were familiar, and they were from old radio shows/TV shows, etc. F’rinstance my mother used to say, “Tain’t funny, McGree,” and I had no idea where that came from, although I knew about the closet, because my room looked like Fibber’s closet, apparently. (Yeah, probably did.)

Now I hear myself saying things and I have NO idea where I got them.

For instance, “Lighten up, Frances.” Where did I get that? I’m sure I picked it up from somebody who picked it up from…somewhere. Floating around in the air. So my kid asks me where that came from and I have no idea. Nor do I know why it stuck.

Stripes. From the Drill Sgt. to the crazy guy who didn’t want to be called Francis.

It was Fibber McGee, not McGree, so that’s not the source of " 'Tain’t funny."

Anyway – I’m going to move this over to Cafe Society – where, I hope, someone might know where “Wrong-o, Mary Lou” came from.

Da plane! It’s da plane!

I associate “Wrong-o Mary Lou” with Will & Grace and I think Grace may have been the one that said it.

The correct quote IS “Tain’t funny, McGee” and it was from the aforementioned radio show.

My daughters only recently realized why The Wife and I will say “You might, rabbit, you might” anytime we suggest somethign foolhearty or dangerous.

Well, I’m kind of old (49) but I remember the local DJ on the oldies radio station playing the likes of Fibber McGee and Molly and The Bickersons and such, so that’s old hat for me. I love that shit.

Here’s a line I hear a lot that I have no idea from whence it came: "Be Careful with that axe, Eugene".

Am I supposed to know this? Am I a dork because I don’t?

Fantasy Island. Or whooshed?

It’s a song by Pink Floyd. I always assumed the line was original with them.

Pink Floyd. Kinda, kinda (mostly 'cause your kind of old!).

CMC fnord!
4 minutes 'cause I just had to include a fucking link :frowning:

Okay, thank you, and **Euytuchus **too. I still have no idea what that means. No problem, I’ve never been a Pinko Floyd fan.:wink:
Oh, and crowmanyclouds I hope that “you’re kind of old” is part of the song. Sonny.

Any takers on ‘I know it’s crazy but it just might work.’?

Nah, dates back (for me) to the late '60s or early '70s – she’s a quoter, not a coiner.

I have the weirdest habit of saying “'Salright?” like Senor Wences. It’s probably not right for anyone under 60 to quote Senor Wences.


The only time I have heard this in any context was in some of the Muppet sketches on Sesame Street. “Why, it’s so crazy, it just might work!” Sherlock Hemlock, I think. But it may have originated from something even earlier.

I say that to my wife all the time, she’s never seen the cartoon, but knows it from me saying it all the time.

Here you go. One and Two examples.

Hey, I’m right there with you. I love Senor Wences. I’m occasionally known to say “Close the box,” too. :slight_smile:

Yeah, that was a typo. It was “McGee.” I was PWC (posting without contacts).

Ha! One of the great triumphs of my life was saying “Salright” as I was retrieving the contents of the night depository (at the bank I worked for) just as a customer opened the outside door to drop in an envelope. Just picture it: guy goes up to the night drop with his envelope in hand, opens the door and hears a gruff female voice ask “salright?”. Stunned (I’m sure, although I couldn’t see), he hesitates a second and drops the envelope in, only to hear a congratulatory “salright!”.