(Where) Did you go to college?

I know there was a similar thread to this about a year ago, http://boards.straightdope.com/sdmb/showthread.php?threadid=52226 , but I was curious with the same question again, especially with newer dopers frequenting the boards. (like myself!) So let’s poll away, shall we?

  1. What’s the highest level of education you’ve completed?
  2. If you went to college, where did you go/where do you want to go for undergrad?
  3. If you went to grad school, where did you go/where do you want to go?
  4. Did you enjoy your experience there? Why/why not?

Just curious about people here, so I thought I’d ask.

Miami University of Ohio

Associate degree in Nursing, graduated in 1991.

  1. I have a bachelor’s degree.
  2. I went to Bowling Green State University in Ohio.
  3. I currently work for a certain university whose favorite color is light blue :), so I expect I’ll be getting a master’s here sooner or later, seeing as how we are allowed to take 2 classes per school year for free.
  4. I liked Bowling Green. It is a good school for undergraduates and is really geared toward them, and people are friendly there. But the weather absolutely, positively without a doubt sucks rocks.
  1. BA in Music Performance on the Tuba, woo effing hoo.
  2. Cal State University at Hayward.
  3. Oh, yeah. A Master’s degree in music would be so helpful.
  4. I had a blast. College was one of the greatest times of my life, second only to high school.

I ask and I’m too rude to supply my own answers. My bad, sorry:

1.Got my Bachelor’s in Economics
2.From the Massachusetts Institute of Technology
3.Looking at maybe going to UMass Amherst, maybe Brown for my Master’s, at least.
4.Would I go back to MIT? Not in a pinewood box. I should have transferred early on, but inertia set in and I just never left. I highly recommend against an MIT education – I would have learned more and enjoyed myself more someplace else. It’s probably not so bad for grad students, but the school really treats undergrads like toilet paper.

I, also went to school in Oxford, OH (Miami University) where I received my degree in business '87. I grew up only 20 minutes from Bowling Green.
I originally wanted to go to Michigan, but, was unable to afford it, since I would have to pay out-of-state tuition.
I never went to grad school, nor did I have any desire to do so.
I had a great time in college.

Otis Art College in Los Angeles.

Didn’t go for a degree. Too poor. Just took LOTS of classes, with some wonderful (and sometimes well-known) teachers.

Wonderful experience. I learned so much. I’d love to take more classes there.

  1. Bachelor’s in Science.

  2. Northwestern University, Evanston IL. (Go Wildcats, or something. Rah.)

  3. No grad school. No desire for grad school. Although I do have dreams of pursuing my MLS (Master’s in Library Science) someday, so I guess that counts. If I do go that route, it will probably be at the University of Washington.

  4. I loved college. It provided a great buffer zone for me between my “living with the parents” stage and my “fully out on my own” stage. Also made a lot of great friends and learned how to think more analytically. My current job has zero to do with my major (history education), but I figure that’s fairly common.

  1. BSISE (Industrial and Systems Engineering)
  2. The Ohio State University [sub]Go Bucks![/sub]
  3. N/A
  4. Loved it. It’s all about the college experience, in addition to the educational one. You’ll never have the sort of freedom, the opportunities, the cusp-of-life…well, you’ll never be at that place again. I loved my time at OSU because I played rugby, was VP and Treasurer of Rifle Club, started a Fraternity and we gave time and money to charities (MS and Habitat for Humanity,) I joined the Marines (though that was sort of an away-from-college thing), found a major I enjoy that really interests me and that I could make my lifes work, I was the VP of Ski Club and went out West where the real powder is, I made friends that are dear to me, I grew up, I learned things you simply can not learn anywhere else, I made mistakes and learned from them (mostly,) I went on road-trips, I had a life.

I’m a freshman at the University of Houston right now, where the football team just completed an 0-11 season. Go Cougars!

Man, I love our football team. They’re so funny. :smiley:

What was I saying? Ah yes, I’m majoring in English with a concentration in creative writing, which means only one thing: unemployment city. :slight_smile:

College is a blast so far. I love it.


  1. BA, Russian Studies
  2. George Mason University
  3. University of Virginia, Master’s program for international relations, pending completion of thesis.
  4. Actually really liked GMU, though UVA was too whitebread and grad school student body too young, not enough life experience.
  1. I have a B.S. In Journalism, from…
  2. (The OTHER) Ohio University
  3. Although I was considering grad school at Florida State, I’ve come to the conclusion that grad schools in my area suck… at least in the programs I’d be interested in. I’m now trying to figure out how to find the time to participate in the Master Gardener program at my local county extension service (sponsored by Univ. of Florida).
  4. I thoroughly enjoyed my four plus years at OU, as evidenced by my lack of memories of the place. (It’s like the 60’s: if you remember it, you weren’t there!) I’d go back in a second, if it were warmer there.
  1. Ph.D. in Social Psychology.

  2. Went to Harvard as an undergrad.

  3. Went to U.C. Berkeley for graduate school

  4. Harvard: Loved it. Full professors still teach courses, including small seminars. I loved the history/culture of the area. (My freshman dorm was over 300 years old.) I loved the theater and music and the people.

    Berkeley: I liked graduate school (mostly), although I think, in hindsight, I should have done more industrial/organizational stuff. I don’t know if I’d have wanted to be there as an undergrad, though. I think it takes a special sort of undergraduate not to get lost at a huge school like that. I also loved the Bay area.

  1. Bachelor of Arts degree in Biology, with an emphasis in Evolutionary Biology/Paleontology

  2. UC Berkeley. This is, incidently, the only place I wanted to go, so it was the only college I applied to. Good thing I got in :slight_smile:

  3. I wanted to go to grad school, but for a variety of reasons it was not possible. So, no Master’s or Doctorate for me :frowning:

  4. Yes and no. I enjoyed the courses (most of them, anyway). Unfortunately, It was at a time in my life when I was rather screwed up emotionally/psychologically, so I did not enjoy the social aspects. My grades also suffered significantly as a result, which further limited my ability to get into a decent grad school upon graduation. It’s the kind of thing where if I could do it again, now, I would probably enjoy it much more.

I went to MIT for my undregrad degree in Physics. I went to grad school at the University of Rochester and the U. of Utah.

I’m surprised – I loved MIT. I didn’t feel put down at all. Besides a heavy class load, I also participated in Fencing, The Musical Theater Guild, the Shakespeare Ensemble, and wrote reviews for the student newspaper. I also wrote and produced a play. And wrote a lot of stories and articles that nobody published. I also did undergraduate research on The Physics of Karate. Altogether a very exciting and stimulating time.
The University of Rochester - now THERE was a school I hated.

Wow – when did you go? I just graduated this past June, and a number of my classmates shared my sentiment. However, having spoken with alumni from just 5 years ago, they seemed to have a totally different memory of the place. Maybe I’m too new out of the place, or maybe I’m just a grump.

BA, Rice University, Houston, TX.
JD, University of Texas at Austin.
Loved Rice U. High quality, small classes, college system, some great traditions (beer-bike, the MOB, the Baker 13), nice campus, good location, outstanding and often free music.
UT – too big. Better to be there as a grad student than an undergrad. Great law school. But Austin has lost much of its charm.

  1. Bachelor of Arts in Creative Arts – an interdisciplinary major combining creative writing, theatre, dance, studio art, and music – no wonder why I had a hard time finding a job after graduation!

  2. Bradford College in Haverhill, MA, on the MA/NH border. Tiny school – about 300 undergrads total – my graduating class had 30 people. They would’ve been celebrating their bicentennial if they hadn’t closed down last year…

  3. M.A.T. from Simmons College in Boston. I didn’t go to grad school because I wanted to teach, I went because a master’s was a prerequisite to becoming an editor at the textbook publishing house where I worked. Ended up that I left the company and taught in Boston for 3 years as a building sub. Couldn’t land a FT contract because of budget cuts, and I had experienced enough horrors subbing…ergo, I left the profession. How I got from teaching to being a baker/pastry chef is a story in and of itself!

  4. Looking back, I wish I had socialized more as an undergrad. I was the classic geek studying on a Saturday night while everyone else partied their brains out. On the other hand, I belonged to both the college chorus and drama club, so I wasn’t a total geek…I think…

I’m an undergrad at UCLA (go Bruins!) and I’m working towards a Bachelors in American Literature and one in History as well. UCLA’s a great school so far. It gives me a chance to live in LA when I never normally would. College, in and of itself, is also great! Wonderful buffer zone! Even in the midst of finals week I can admit I like it. Now that’s something!

I went to Ball State University in Muncie, Indiana for two years.

I ran out of money and transfered to Indiana University Northwest (Gary, Indiana) to get my BS in Business Administration. I graduated in June of 1995.

I LOVED Ball State. IUN was good because I was able to get my degree. I wish I could’ve stayed at Ball State, though.