Where do coke dealers get those cute little Zip-loc baggies?

From their upline.

If the bags are Ziploc®, they can’t be Baggies®. Both are brand names, and each are made by different companies.

You can also get them from a company that sells retail and packaging supplies. Chiswick is one such company. All different sizes, thicknesses, etc.

Plus cool stuff like those big rolls of Saran Wrap for pallet wrapping, in case you need to wrap pallets or immobilize small children…

The smoke shop across the street from my apt. sells them. They also sell bongs, glass pipes, glass water pipes, “video head cleaner”, a bunch of different mini-torches, butane refill cans, a wide array of little weight scales (even nifty digital ones), a very small, but eclectic selection of porn and sex toys, razor blades and even these things I think are called “bullets” (the bottom part is this little screw on glass container and the top is a plastic piece with a small round opening at the tip that goes down through the middle to the bottom glass part. Flip it upside down, move this little side lever, tap a bit if needed, move the lever back, flip it right side up, and voila! A convenient single dose that’ll clear up those sinuses (or take you into a k-hole)!

Oh, and I think they sell smokes too.

Bass. Just ask Hank Hill. :slight_smile:

Oooohh spam and braaaaaains yummies…

Welcome to the SDMB!

Are you aware that this thread is 15 years old, and that several of the original posters are now deceased?

Zombie or not - I always assumed that you got 1,000 free with every Kg.