Where do your keys live?


Keys, wallet glasses, everything that goes out the door stays in my [del]pu[/del] European shoulder bag.
That sits on the dryer by the back door.

These days when I leave the house I’m wearing a snap-brim cap and I carry my wallet in my shirt pocket. When I get home I put the cap on the buffet/credenza and put the wallet and my keys in the cap. Change stays in my pants only long enough to be put in a jar at the first opportunity. Comb in hip pocket, bills in pants pocket.

There is a bowl for keys in the kitchen near the back door, which is my main way in and out of the house. The keys end up near the bowl, which is also piled high with extra keys, spare change, poo bags and dog collars, and other odds and ends that all get dumped there. I try to always drop them there as soon as I come in and before I get distracted by something else, then have to hunt for them later.

For my daily driver, left front pocket. No where else. Never lost or looked for them. I’d say this hasn’t changed since I started driving in 1976.

Well, traveling/flying changes this a bit if I’m in a swim suit all day…

For spare keys or keys to the plow truck, they live in a bowl on our hutch in the living room.

Toss 'em on the kitchen island. Sometimes I have to move an errant piece of mail to find them but I never really lose them.

Yup. Mine stay in the pants pocket of the last pair I wore until I next switch pants (usually the next morning).

In my front, left pants pocket or in the caddy on my bathroom counter. Always. Never anywhere else. Not that I’ve ever thought about it.

My keys are always physically attached to my current handbag in some way. And when I’m at home, my purse always sits on a chair in my office. Always. I never have to look for my purse or my keys. It’s a small house and it’s easy to stick to this practice.

Right now, I have the keys attached to the handle of my purse with a leash (the nylon one that comes with all Baggallinis) because the bag is so voluminous that the keys just disappear into the dark pit that is my purse. I retrieve them the way you pull a bucket attached to a rope out of a well. Since my car is keyless entry/start, and the leash is long enough that I can lock my door while it’s attached to the purse on my shoulder, I virtually never have occasion to remove the keys physically from my purse.

If I go for a walk and just want house keys for my pocket, I have an extra set. I also have an extra car key fob, and keep it next to my bed (which is right next to my driveway) so I can make sure I’ve locked the car when I go to bed, and also so I can set off the car alarm if I hear anything suspicious in the driveway at night.

Bowl in kitchen, unless you’re a thief. Then it’s in the bowl in the kitchen, past the alarm system, the guard dogs, armed guards, electric fence, and moat.

Wooden bowl next to the phone. That holds keys, pocket tools, cell phone, wallet, and all the other crap that lives in my pockets at work. Change goes into the plastic football next to the bowl.

The cat hooks hold the keys next to the front door at home:

At work, I have a magnetic hook on the frame of my cube beneath the reminder post it that says “Keys, wallet, phone, glasses, head, brainz” A little checklist to go through at the end of the day.


Another vote for pants pocket.

Keys go in my purse. Where I get tripped up is when I have to log in from home, and my login token is on my keys, so I have to take them down to the computer, and then I often forget they are on my desk.

That’s not to say they make it in the purse every day, but most days.

Keys go in or on my purse, which is on the entry way table when not in use.

We put Elfa stuff in our closets. In mine, I got a pull out wire basket. I toss all of my pocket stuff - keys, wallet, ID, inhaler, in there. One of the few “luxuries” I afforded myself when we redid our house.
Other than that, there is a long narrow table behind our LR sofa, right by the front door. It has 2 drawers: 1 is mine, 1 my wife’s.
If my keys aren’t in my pocket or one of those 2 places, I’m fucked!

They live in my pants pocket. They stay there at night, too. I move them into the pocket of the next day’s pants in the morning (along with the wallet, but a different pocket).

In 1984, my keys were stolen by some shithead ninth grader when I laid them on my desk. I have never lost or mislaid my keys since then.

Perhaps it’s my warped mind, but the question reminded me ofSpectacles, testicles, wallet and watch with keys replacing whichever of those goodies you want. :wink:

During winter, in the right pocket of the outer garment I’ve been wearing. It’s warmed up here lately, so in my right pants pocket. They’ll very likely migrate to the shelf of my desk.

Yup. Car and house keys in my pocket. The RV keys hang on a nail near the kitchen unless we’re traveling, when they’re hooked to a belt loop via a carabiner.