Where does this sample from an old rap song come from?

Kurtis Blow’s The Breaks has a percussion break (of course) at about 1:27. Does anyone know what song it comes from?

Nothing about that on http://www.whosampled.com/Kurtis-Blow/The-Breaks

That isn’t a sample. It’s a live drummer; no idea who. AFAIK, the only sample in that song comes from Sugarhill Gang’s Rapper’s Delight.

Does that mean it’s not a sample and there are actual musicians playing on this early rap song? Or just that this site doesn’t know where it’s sampled from?

I think Bo is right, and for such a popular song, I would certainly expect whosampled to be right, as well.

Shame. Sounds like it would have been a great song. If it had been a song. Besides the song it’s actually in. You know what I mean.

I’m a huge fan of old school rap; I grew up with it. I’d be willing to make a bet that that is a live drummer.

I can’t hear any samples from “Rapper’s delight”. Are you sure that is right? Sure, the groove is kind of similar but it’s not the same. It sounds like a totally original recording to me. But the Sugarhill Gang clearly sampled Chic’s Good Times in their song.

Aye, I’m sure. If you click on this link you can hear the sample and hear how it was used in The Breaks. Kurtis Blow has long acknowledged this sample. AFAIK, everything else in the song was live musicians.