Last night, when my boyfriend and I returned from a hockey game, I discovered that my car was stolen!!! The thieves were not tempted to take the 4 accords around mine. NO! They had to have mine.
Since I have a 2000 Honda Civic, I am not sure if I will ever see it again. I am heartbroken and pissed. I drove a beat up 1991 Toyota Tercel for 7 years without A/C and just purchased this car last year. I can’t stop thinking about this and I need to study. Shit. I should have purchased an alarm.
No, please, no car alarms. Everyone ignores them anyway and they’re annoying as all get out! (Incidently, I do have a great ‘fucking with car alarms’ story, but another time…)
Aren’t you insured? (Hopefully) Not upside-down on your car loan? If yes and no, then just pray they don’t find the car. Ever. Especially stripped down to bare bones. If not, you’ll get your insurance settlement which will get you decent used car or a decent downpayment on a new one. In my limited experience, insurance companies often settle a claim for the best Blue Book value or better. Also, all your belongings in the car are likely covered under your homeowner’s / renter’s insurance, so you can file a claim for your CDs and other belongings in the car.
It totally sucks though. Sorry to hear about your misfortune.
How many drugs, over what period of time would you have to do, to be faced with a Lexus, a Benz, and a Plymouth Horizon and say… “I… I gotta have the Horizon!”
Not to make light of your situation, though. Honestly, I hope you get it worked out well. I can’t even imagine what it must be like to have a car stolen.
I’m going to “ditto” what Cinammon Girl said: I pray you’re fully insured and they never find the car. They found mine, and I hated that car afterwards. I never felt safe in it again. It’s totally irrational, but I felt like the car had cheated on me or something. Even worse, while the insurance company said the car was drivable and fine, the darn thing was a mess! Full of fast food wrappers and stains. They did pay for me to have it detailed, but it just wasn’t the same. One stain on the passenger seat never fully came out, and I’d see that every time I drove. In all truth, it was barely visalbe. But I saw it all the same like a spot light was pointing it out to me.
Chances are good that your Civic (like my 1998 Civic) won’t ever be seen again.
1-Civics generally do not have sophisticated alarms.
2-Civics last a long time and the designs do not change radically.
3-Civics are very popular cars.
4-Civics are not generally hot rods or “fun” cars to drive.
This means that Civics are very popular cars for thieves and most of the time it’s to be chopped and parted out. It’s worth way more as parts than as a whole car. They’re not going to go for a joy ride, beat the thing up, and leave it on the side of the road.
There’s nothing you can do at this point other than just go through the standard process. Police report, insurance claim, and just go with the flow.
I filed my claim in less than a week, my agent requested that I wait over the weekend just to be sure it didn’t surface. The lady at the home office even seemed annoyed that I waited that long. Worst thing is that they begin the processing and have to reverse it when the car is found. Maybe it’s a NYC vs. Rest of the World thing, but having to wait 3 full weeks before you can even claim it was stolen seems excessive.
Even if you did, your homeowners or renters might not pay for the CD’s, because they were in your car when they were stolen. My car got broken into back in April, and my CD’s stolen from it. My renters policy wouldn’t cover them, because they were in the car. They would have covered them only if they’d been stolen from my apartment.
They’re SO gonna rice it. The next time you see that car it’ll be three inches lower, have a 2 foot tall spoiler, neon lights under the front, and decals from three different speaker manufacturers on the rear window.
It’s not uncommon to get renters insurance policies with coverage extended for theft of personal items from your car. Be sure to check that next time. Of course, the value of the personal items stolen should be more than the deductible to make it worthwhile. Say your camera or cell phone was stolen out of your car, that would also be covered under renters / homeowners. I believe anything installed in the car, such as a stereo, would not be covered, but rather covered under your auto policy. Renters policies are generally pretty inexpensive as well.
Perhaps an insurance doper will be along to confirm or correct. Inigo Montoya is in insurance, no?
I had a 1998 Mustang. I loved that sweetheart of a car. I went out one morning to find both the drivers side windows smashed, the CD player ripped out of the dash, 45 dollars stolen out of the LOCKED console and my newborn sons carseat gone. I WISH they had stolen the fucking car. Then I would have gotten SOMETHING for it.
I feel your pain. Hope you get things resolved soon. Sucks that noone can have nice things without some cocksucker coming and stealing it or tearing it up.
Y’know (Hey CG!) as a matter of fact I do settle totals. Wrecks & thefts. Only time I’ve ever had to talk to anyone who’s had Lojack instaled was when they’ve parked their car upside a tree–evidently Lojack delivers as advertised and you’ll get the car back or thieves avoid said cars. Doesn’t seem to do much for in the way of avoiding trees though.
Band Name! OK, maybe not. But y’know those spoilers really give much-needed traction to the rear end of those front-wheel drive 4-bangers when they hit, oh, 110 mph.
Oh…the OP? {… insert favorite condolence …} I used to not understand why in The Old Days they used to hang horse thieves…but then I started talking to a lot of car theft victims and from the amount of stress this puts 'em through I’m beginning to understand why one could see taking a life over a property violation is perfectly reasonable. I’m PRAYING for someone to snag my oh-so-cool-in-a-retro-kind-of-way 1983 Corolla (2 door!). It’d be easy enough to drop a Toyota Celica fuel injected 22R 4-cylinder & 5-speed, tint the glass, lower it, throw on some 13 inch spinners, stuff a bass cannon in the trunk and…stop looking at me like that!
I hope you never see your car again. And I mean that sincerely, and with more kindness than you can understand. Do yourself a favor. get on the internet and start shopping for cars just like yours. Same year, make, model & edition (EX, DX, etc.) and mileage. Pretend that, rather than it being stolen, you sold it. Be honest and decide what YOU think you could have gotten for the car. DOCUMENT your thought process. When your insurance company make their settlement offer you will know right away if it’s reasonable, and if it isn’t you’ll have some evidence to support why you need a higher settlement. Cars depreciate a bunch in the first few years, so don’t expect to settle on what you paid last year–all you are owed is the *current *market value. In YOUR market area (50 miles? 100?).
Psst. The 22R runs a 6-speed. Meet “Boost”, my Matrix XRS. Slow to 40, but from 40 to 110, it’ll beat a STi, and lose gracefully to a 'Vette.
And some cars do need that tail spoiler. Remember the A4? That and the New Beetle tend to get a little tail happy over 80. Most of them are complete junk, though.
You forgot about that annoying fucking “bug fart” exhaust pipe. I swear if I were just a little more of an asshole I’d kick those fuckers right off in a big parking lot.
Thankfully it’s rare to hear it over the FUCKING BASS. :rolleyes: Assholes.
Oh, to the OP, another vote you’ll probably never see it again. And I can understand why you wouldn’t want it anyway. Here’s the idiots driving it over a very high cliff. While still inside.
Maybe this deserves its own thread, but I thought I might ask: Is there anything that clearly delineates “ricing” from “pimping”? I mean, if I want to “pimp my ride”, and my ride is a Civic, it seems to me like I must…
Stuff a massive, NO2-enhanced VTEC engine in the thing that, in this context, violates numerous laws.
Drop it down to about 3" above the road, and add those special tires that are little more than barrel-shaped rims with some thick rubber coating on them.
Add lots of extraneous plastic/fiberglass. Lots. The aforementioned Towering Spoiler, the low-lying girdle of plastic that makes the car’s body look like it extends down to about 0.5" above the road. Etc.
Weird Lights. Nothing says “Sheeit! Muthafucka!” like an eery purple neon glow emanating from the entire bottom of the car, as if it floated on some phreaky anti-gravity field. Make sure you wrap it around your vanity tags (“UMYBTCH!”) as well.
The Civic was never meant for a “posse” anyway, so two passengers less won’t make much difference. Remove the entire rear seat and replace it with the Mutha of All Subwoofers. Unless the side-panels of neighboring cars litterally buckle from the sound your car puts out, you ain’t pimpin’, maign.
There’s about a thousand other exterior and interior elements that need consideration, but you get the idea.
Is the above truly “ricing” or “pimping”; or am I working under the incorrect premise of a false dichotomy?