Where is my key? (I'm an idiot)

I seem to remember a thread where someone had lost a key, and a psychic doper was able to determine its location. Please help*. I’ve lost the only key to my (Locked) shed, and need to get the mower out before the grass starts growing in the window.

Barring that, does anyone have any advice/experience with having a locksmith a) break a lock and b) install a new one? How much can I expect to be out? For what it’s worth, it’s a lock in a door handle, not a padlock.

If your suggestion of where my key might be is correct, I’ll make a donation to your favorite charity. Swear.

The key is in the last place you’ll look. Check there first and avoid the frustrating interim.

PM me for my charity request.

When did you last use or see the key? Think!

Is it in your hand?

Maybe someone can also tell me where my damn YWCA card is???

You people are geniuses! :slight_smile:

Seriously, though - real locksmith advice also appreciated.

Laggard, you’d be surprised how many times I’ve looked in my hand, just in case.

How sturdy can a shed be in most cases? As a backup plan, why not send a picture of the shed and lock area from about three feet away. I could see simply drilling out the center of the lock or using a pry-bar to allow the door to open without damaging the frame. Once open, changing the lock would be a snap. In some cases a hack saw could be used to cut the bolt. Time to think outside the shed.

If the shed hinges are on the outside, I’d vote for taking the door off the hinges.

Oh and for me, usually the padlock key is set somewhere convenient near the padlock - like a window ledge, or flat surface near by where I set it for just a second so I wouldn’t lose it.

I had a problem with a lock recently and it cost me £90 (around $140) to get someone to come out and fix it. No idea what US prices may be though.

By the way, you certainly are an idiot if you think some deluded, self-professed psychic is going to come to your rescue.

If the hinges are exposed, remove the pins and open the door that way.

Otherwise, I suggest googling for lockpicking instructions and videos. (I can’t actually find you a good link from work, because a lot of resources are blocked, but they’re out there.) It shouldn’t be hard to pick–you can probably do it with a paperclip and a small screwdriver, if necessary.

Either way, once you get the door open, you can change the door handle yourself, lock and all, probably for around $20. No need to involve a locksmith at all.

Oh, and the key is in your junk drawer in the kitchen. The one nearest the refrigerator.

remember that key hook you put up to not loose your keys? look there first.

inside near the rear door to the house where you might have laid it down after coming in from mowing last time.

if you had the key right now where would you put it to find it again, think of the best places. look there.

Bolt cutters. Cheaper than a locksmith. Pick up a new lock when you get the bolt cutters.


Barring that, I once had a locksmith come out and fix my lock for $150. My landlady was pissed. She knew a guy that would do it for a lot less. All I had to do was call her (my phone was on the other side of my door) or wait for her cousin, my downstairs neighbor, who was going to be back in 20 minutes (Like I knew that. In late December, he could be gone for a week).

It’s in the pocket of whatever pair of pants you were wearing the last time you used the key. I’ve folded up shorts and put them away with the house key still in the pocket about three times now.

Are you a guy? If so, do you have a location where you dump out your pockets when you take off your pants? If so, that’s where it is.

Do other people live with you? If so, ask them where they think it belongs. Their answer might differ from yours.

Also, check your keyring (for your house keys) you might have thought it a good idea to keep it there so you wouldn’t lose it.

ETA: Unless it is a deadbolt, picking the lock shouldn’t be too hard.

Before I stopped driving, D used to tell me, “Check in the fridge, Hon.”.

So I guess it’s a good thing I stopped driving, huh? :slight_smile:


My mother left her car key, on it’s nice big piece of ribbon, in the pocket of her slacks last week. And hung them in the closet upside down without disturbing the key.

Re-reading the OP I see now that bolt cutters are of no use at all here, unless you use them like a hammer. :smack:

I was going to start a similar thread, but looking for my car keys. They were lost for three weeks and I just found them. They had fallen between the passenger seat and the centre console. So, check there. Following that, try under the couch or just take the door off the shed.

It’s in the top drawer of your dresser or night table.

I lost mine a couple weeks ago and they turned up a day later hanging on the hook in the bathroom I use for my facecloth. So my advice is - check all hooks in the house, even those not intended to hold keys.