Where is the second star to the right?

That’s got to be the vaguest directions ever! I need some coordinates, man! Every time I try flying there, I wake up before I can get anywhere! At least give me a galaxy so I can start pointing some telescopes!


It is a relative direction wrt the bedroom window of the person it was originally addressed to. Note that as the seasons change, etc., the relative direction stays more or less the same, even as the group of stars visible out that window at that time change. But in general it would be like “ENE” or some such.

An absolute direction would be useless. What good is heading towards Algol when Algol is in different directions depending on time and season? It may not even be visible that night!

Epoch: J2000
RA: 7h 36m 14.3s
Dec: +15d 19m 44.1s

You’re welcome. :slight_smile: