Where should I move?

Im only asking where YOU would go and why. Dont even worry about why I want to move…I want other peoples opinions.

Im totally lost here…whats “Oz” and who is John Howard?

I’ve heard the armed forces can get kind of pissy if you quit your job without enough notice. I can’t provide a cite.

Where all have you been stationed/deployed in the Navy and which did you like the most/least?

Cops are after you, eh? Yeah, we’ve all been there.

Canada, Australia, the UK, all pretty much out. They probably don’t want you or the cops will get you anyway.

Mexico will eat you up and if you’re lucky, spit you out.

Go for Costa Rica. Though I’ve heard it’s not as friendly to American ex-pats lately as it has been in the past.

I’d love to move to Costa Rica just for the weather & diving.

I’ve heard Panama isn’t all that bad these days, with a growing American ex-pat population.

I left the US more than 5 years ago and move to the UAE. If you buy a place here you can get a resident visa. It is really hot in the summer but far far safer than any comparably sized US city. All the goods you are used to are available here, but if you are really ino drinking, it’s probably not the best choice for you.

i would def. jump to churchill mb or anywhere in maritimes, nova scotia, newfoundland, etc.

the further north the less icky bugs. i’m sure costa rica has a very healthy bug population.

my apologies. Oz is Australia and John Howard is the current Prime Minister.

In answer to your original question, I would move to Canada as well. I find it to be more tolerant, more polite, and more secular. It feels more like Western Europe to me, without the shock of changing continents.

If Ms. Pagan could take the cold we would already BE in Canada. :slight_smile:

Says the man unaware that the mosquito and black fly are provincial birds. :slight_smile:

Buddy if you’re actually as ignorant about the rest of the world as you seem to be here no one will want you.

Ha ha ha ha… It is to laugh. Have you ever been to the bush in Canada? Deer flies, black flies, mosquitoes, all kinds of things. We joke that they can suck a chihuahua dry in thirty seconds.

Now, there are definite seasons to the various bugs, and no bugs during the winter, so ‘fewer bugs’ is true in that sense. But during the warm weather, the insects frantically try to make up for the shortness of the season by numbers and ferocity.

Well, if I could go anywhere, it would be somewhere in the British Isles, because I like the architecture and dreary, cold weather. Also, it’s not that far from the U.S., so it wouldn’t be so difficult to visit. I actually didn’t totally love Australia because I’m not a beach person (we were in a coastal town) and I missed my family. Don’t underestimate your friends and family ties - it’s not easy being an expat if those are at all factors in your life. To me, Australia didn’t really seem all that different than the U.S. The food’s fairly similar, the brandnames are mostly familiar, and you meet the same ratios of cool people vs. dickheads. It was much more expensive for us to live there than it is in the U.S. (which was one of the primary reasons we headed back).

Yeah thanks “Buddy”

I really did enjoy the British Isles. London is extremely expensive but the rest of the Island was reasonable and very friendly. Ireland was on BBC’s list of the best countries to live in actually.

I have heard wonderful things about Costa Rica on the board and off… with my expertise extending all the way to an episode of House Hunters International with a couple and their young boys house hunting. It looked gorgeous.

I loved Argentina, but after travelling to 5 provinces the only place an American ex-pat would be marginally comfortable is likely Buenos Aires. It’s wonderful, but there’s an air of… I guess shadiness about all of it. I’d love to go back for an extended period of time (maybe 6 months or a year), but I’m also very familiar with the politics, history, language and culture.

My boring pick: Canada. Only 2 hours from home.
My exciting pick: Argentina.
My compromise: Costa Rica.

In all fairness, the title of the thread is Where should I move? I’m enjoying this thread though. Reading this thread is giving me all kinds of fantasy moving ideas.

Calgary is relatively-bug-free, and has nice, mild winters, but you can’t move here because we’re full. Sorry. Better luck next time. :smiley:

Regarding Canadian politics in relation to U.S. politics, we are a separate country, and we do have our own government which makes its own decisions on domestic and foreign affairs, but we take the U.S. position into account a lot (being major trade partners and all). The U.S. gets their nose all out of joint when we assert our soveriegnty, but too bad, you know?

Kilvert’s Pagan, even places like Vancouver and Toronto are too cold for your wife? I know I’m speaking from a prairie perspective, but they really do have mild winters there. Especially Vancouver.

ETA: Keep in touch with Frank - he just moved from Colorado (I believe) to Ottawa.

Also, if you’re trying to thumb your nose at the U.S., you really should consider Cuba.

No problem, point still stands.

Why not move to another region in the US? Avoid the hassle of figuring out if a completely separate nation has a different leader than the president. The US is sufficiently large that you’re bound to find somewhere that better matches your politics than your current local.

Tell you what…I’ll consider moving to another part of the US if you consider moving to another thread. You’re bound to find somewhere where you haven’t offended the original poster to the point where whatever you say is immediately thrown out the window.

d1a1s1, if you often interact w/ people the same way you’re doing here, I’d suggest you look for an uninhabited island.

Toronto is too cold for her, and Vancouver is too cloudy. I would live in Victoria in a heartbeat, and keep trying to talk her into it…

I’d move to either Micronesia or Indonesia, if I could. (In either country there are some pretty thorny immigration rules to get around.) If I had no financial concerns and was in good health, I might choose Micronesia for its remoteness, natural beauty, world-class fresh fish-eating, and easy-going, simple lifestyle. However, it is smack dab in the middle of nowhere so if you ever need a dose of civilization, you’d better be able to afford some serious airfares. Similarly, you won’t be getting speedy and sophisticated medical care there and you are pretty darn far away from first-world medicine.

Indonesia is also weak in the medical care department, but (depending on what part of that large country you are in) it is quite close to Singapore so I wouldn’t worry so much about that. In addition, Indonesia offers a wealth of cultural experiences, including dazzling textiles utilizing many techniques (batik and ikat, for example), a vibrant community of painters, the most beautiful music in the world (Javanese gamelan), delicious exotic food, and an easy-to-learn language.

Also, not to put to fine a point on it, you can live in the lap of luxury there for a much lower price than you could in the US. I hate to even admit it, because I don’t think it is a particularly good reason to be drawn to a country, but the reality of it is that with just a reasonable amount of cash by American standards you can live like a king. When we lived there I never swept a floor, ironed a shirt, or cleaned an oven – and I certainly didn’t maintain the correct chemical balance in our own private swimming pool! The only reason I cooked and changed diapers was because I wanted to – those duties could easily have been farmed out.

Disclaimer: You asked what Dopers thought, so I told you my own opinion. In all fairness, many people would have a much greater discomfort level in Indonesia. They’d worry about terrorism, earthquakes, malaria, Jakarta’s polluted air and traffic, whatever. It ain’t for everyone. But I miss living there so much it almost makes my stomach hurt to think about it.

Nope I dont but at the same time I dont appreciate people being diks for no real reason.