I’m looking for one of those frames that is basically two pieces of glass, front and back, with no mat, so you can see all the way to the edges of what’s being framed?
I’m not even sure what to google.
Anyone know of a direct link to something like that? Not just a “frames.com” site that I would have to search. I’ve searched. I don’t know what to search for.
actually, what I’m talking about has a FRAME. it’s not just two piece of glass held together with clips. It’s a frame that holds two pieces of glass.
But, still, those stores are probably worth a look. We’ve been into a Michael’s recently, though, and I don’t recall seeing them. . .thing is, I wasn’t specifically looking for them at that time, but I am now.
Did you just get regular frames there, or frames like I’m describing?
Because, I’m not seeing what I’m looking for there.
For my needs, the print looks like it’s “floating” in between the frames. No mat. You could flip it over and see the back side of the print if you wanted.
Those are called Museum Frames or Floating Photo (or Picture) Frames. Bedford-Downing in NYC was the originator of them. Searching on either of the latter two should get you what you want pretty easily.