Where was my brother's car? (a guessing game)

I know some people will be disappointed, but as of yet I have no idea how to determine if someone “wins” but that doesn’t mean we can’t play…

My brother’s car died while he was on the way back to USM(Maine) last Monday. Died died, threw a rod, now it’s useless and not drivable sort of died. So he had it towed to some garage on campus. It was supposed to be towed, again, to the garage our family uses (in NH) yesterday. The towing company picked the car up at noon. Then it…disappeared. At 11pm the tow guy called saying he was a little lost.

The trip from that part of Maine to that part of NH should have taken 2.5 hours tops. So, where was the car for the other 8.5 hours? Guess now! If I ever find out where it really was I’ll declare a winner based on that.

It was hooked up to the tow truck, parked outside that brothel just outside Castle Rock, Maine.

I think it was outside of Nervous Nellie’s Jams and Jellies in Deer Isle, Maine. The tow truck driver has a kinky little fetish that involves clothespins, preserves, and chickens dressed like little old ladies.

In Raoul’s Roadside Attraction’s parking lot.

Yeah, I know it’s closed and changed it’s name, but that was one of my favorite hangouts, so I wanted to give it a plug.

Does it now have a bumper sticker saying “This car was towed up Mt. Washington?”

Got a picture of your brother’s car? I’d check to see if the WTC/Great Tragedies tourist is anywhere in the picture. :slight_smile:

Parked in front of the tow truck driver’s house.

Story I heard once, probably not true but funny anyway:

A trucker pulls into a truck stop in Minot, North Dakota.
“How far to Chicago?” he asks.
“About 18 hours” is the reply.
“Can’t be! I was only 8 hours from Chicago when I left Minneapolis!”

I’m guessing the driver took it to a town of the same or similar name in a different state. Dover-Foxcroft, Me., instead of Dover, N.H.; or Great Barrington, Mass., instead of Barrington, N.H.