I saw it on the WGN news. A young boy? He is 21. Sounds to me like the mean streats of Chicago got him. Stumbling around drunk at 2am. I didn’t even feel safe walking around sober at 8pm when I visited downtown Chicago.
I hope he makes it, though.
Interesting question, what is the longest time a person has been missing and returned alive?
I am sure there are many who have disappeared voluntarily then resurfaced after a long period of time. However, I don’t think many are kidnapped and return years later.
I am familiar with only two cases (I am sure there are more). The little boy Steven (his brother is the one who killed those three women in Yosemite) who was kidnapped for a number of years and then walked into a police station after his “dad” kidnapped another little boy.
There was also the case of Colleen Stan who was kidnapped by Cameron and Janice Hooker and kept for most of her 7 years in captivity in a box under their bed.
Cheesehead, I can’t recall the exact details, but there was a boy who disappeared back in the 1970’s or maybe it was the 1980’s and was found seven or eight years later, still alive. They made a TV movie about the case. I can’t remember the kid’s name. I tried doing a search on “missing kids”, but didn’t find anything relating to this case.
“The two real political parties in America are the Winners and the Losers. The people don’t acknowledge this. They claim membership in two imaginary parties, the Republicans and the Democrats, instead.”
-Wampeters, Foma and Granfalloons, “In a Manner that Must Shame God Himself” (Kurt Vonnegut)
Actually, Diane got it. Steven was the kid I was thinking of.
“The two real political parties in America are the Winners and the Losers. The people don’t acknowledge this. They claim membership in two imaginary parties, the Republicans and the Democrats, instead.”
-Wampeters, Foma and Granfalloons, “In a Manner that Must Shame God Himself” (Kurt Vonnegut)
There was a couple, and I think this was Chicago too, whose car was found running and empty and they turned up in California (they wanted to “get away” for awhile) but I don’t know if that qualifies…
Having mentioned the kidnapping cases, my guess would be that he is floating in the river or he passed out behind a pile of rubish or bushes and froze to death.
It’s not that hard to imagine. I worked with a man whose wife disappeared one winter. When the snow thawed, they found her body behind the rose bushed and covered with leaves. The autopsy showed that she had had a heartattack and then froze to death. For months, she was only a few yards from her family as they searched for her.
ColdFire - Well you know, there was that case in BROWNSville, Texas a few years ago that involved a drunken college boy walking back to the hotel after a night at the bar.
Seriously, as a mom, this breaks my heart. I have a son who is only a few years younger (he is 18) and even though he is no longer a little kid, I can’t imagine the terror and panic this mother must feel.
This story really upset me. I graduated from Northern Illinois University 1 1/2 years ago (that’s where he attends) and the bar he was at New Year’s Eve is right across the street from my apartment. The kind of night he had reminds me of many nights I’ve had, and that could have been me or any of my friends.
Personally, I feel he is probably dead, and I feel so bad for his mother. (I think his dad died recently)
My fraternity had a party last weekend, and made $750 which they donated to the fund to help find him. Unfortunately, I don’t think they’ll find him alive.
OK, Little Charley Ross was the first (publicized) kidnap for ransom in the U.S., back in the 1870s. It got huge press and for decades, men were turning up claiming to be him—in fact, it was the most famous kidnapping till the Lindbergh case.
And you thought Dennis Miller could make esoteric cultural references!
You are right, sadly. His body was found this weekend washed up on the shore in Gary, Ind. No signs of foul play. Apparently, he was so drunk he stumbled into the lake and drowned.