Where's SenorBeef Been?

I foresee a new trend in the dope.

Threads with titles like “Where’s Senor Kinthalis?” And “Where did Dio go? Hi Beef!”.

For divisional finishing order, or cumulative number of arrests?

I can see how this looks. I was drinking the other night (okay! EVERY night!) and I was thinking as I was scanning the threads “Where did I put my turkey baster?” and everything else that happened after with SenorBeef, the basement, the abduction…is all just a blur.


SenorBeef puts the lotion on or it gets the hose again.

Beef is the glue that hold us all together. If, say, Kinthalis, or Res, were to be mauled to death by a rabid pack wild boars we’d all just shrug. If it happened to Beef, we would at the very least make a cliché filled thread about his demise in MPSIMS. Not me though, lazy.