Right now, I’m torn between a Galaxy Tab 2 or a Nexus 7.
The Tab comes with a rear camera and a micro SD reader. It appears that the Nexus 7 comes with a faster processor.
Does anyone have any experience with either of them?
Right now, I’m torn between a Galaxy Tab 2 or a Nexus 7.
The Tab comes with a rear camera and a micro SD reader. It appears that the Nexus 7 comes with a faster processor.
Does anyone have any experience with either of them?
Galaxy Tab 2. I have one and love it.
I have neither. To me, a camera option is basically useless, as I’ve never, ever used a tablet camera for anything, ever. The micro sd card option, swings my vote towards any system that has it. You can store lots of books, music and pr0n on an external card.
PS: I favor 7 inch units over larger systems, as they’re easier to carry around, and tend to be easier to use to read books.
A point in the Nexus 7’s favour is that it’s a Nexus, and so is guaranteed to get prompt OS upgrades.
You can use a USB on the go adapter and use a usb thumb drive to store extra data on your nexus 7. Not as convenient as an sd card, and you have to root it, but it’s an option for expanding storage.
The Nexus 7 has a better screen, faster processor and graphics unit, and gets the most pure/unmodified version of android along with the most updates/support from google.
I don’t have a Tab 2, but I have an HTC Flyer which is roughly the same size and same screen resolution (1024x600). I find this resolution to be completely inadequate for a 7" class tablet. In fact it’s barely tolerable for a 4" phone.
I also have a Galaxy Tab 7.7, which has a 7" 1280x800 screen like the Nexus-7. This is much better for all purposes. (Well, you may not notice much difference for video. But it makes a huge difference for displaying text, including e-mail and web browsing.)
By the way, a 32 GB version of the Nexus-7 has been leaked, and should be available in a week or so. If I were buying a 7" tablet now, it would be a tough choice between this and the Kindle Fire HD.
I think that I’m going to go for the Nexus 7. I like that the Tab 2 can accept an SD card and the rear camera, but I like the Nexus 7 more for the processor and the resolution.
Don’t get one now! Google is having a big event on Oct. 29th, where they are almost certainly launching a new Nexus 7. At the very least, they are updating the storage size options, so the smaller capacity will be 16GB and the larger capacity will be 32GB. They are also (according to reputable rumors) reducing the price. The 16GB will drop to the current price of the 8GB (~$200,) and the 32GB will be at the price of the 16GB now ($250? I think?)
And the consensus is the 8GB will be discontinued, but they’ll sell out what stock they have at a reduced price…probably in the $150-$170 range.
Very unlikely they’d be launching a new Nexus 7 (aside from the storage size changes). The expectation is that they’re announcing the LG Optimus Nexus 4 & Android 4.2. The Nexus 7 has only been out for 3-4 months.
I have the galaxy tab 10.1. Get the Nexus as it has better updates and a smoother experience with STOCK android. Get the global one, not one by a specific carrier as those carriers will delay your updates.
See the link I posted earlier. The 32GB version is coming out, at the same price as the current 16GB version ($249). No other changes are expected.
I have a Galaxy Tab 2 7 in. and I love it. It is very quick. I added a 16 GB micro sd card to it. The camera works fine, but there is no flash, so you have to be careful when taking photos in low light. Being the techie that I am, I installed Cyanogenmod 9 on it, mainly because I didn’t like the extra apps that Samsung included on it… But I never had any problems with their version of ICS, and their updates are very regular.
You will, of course, make your own decision.
I have a 16GB nexus7 and I’m very happy with it. Very slick indeed and the battery life is brilliant.
I was a bit suspicious of the lack of sd but I’ve not found any real capacity issues thus far and if the 32GB comes out then that isn’t an issue at all.
Plus you can now install the “Nexus Media Importer” app without rooting and that allows you access to USB sticks and cards over a USB to-go cable (cheap and plentiful).
I also have a Nexus 7 and I really like it. This is a tablet done right.
The newest version of Android is buttery smooth, and the Nexus line of devices are the only ones that will reliably receive version updates from Google. I would not trust Samsung or any other manufacturer to provide timely Android updates.