Which animals are evil, which animals are good?

Good animals-all except my next door neighbor’s insane Siamese cat.
Good people-all except clowns.

Okay, here’s a tough one:

Ostriches. Good or evil?

They’re a bird, which counts on the good side.

But they’re awfully damn cranky and can kill a dude with a single gut-gouging kick. Does cranky by itself tip over to the evil side? I think we can agree wolverines are evil.

And yet they’re just so goofy-lookin’.

So: Ostriches?

I believe those are pinworms.

I have heard that hummingbirds are extremely aggressive little fellows, what with their caffeine-achiever metabolisms.

CateAyo, I dreamt once that a huge eagle came down and ate out of my hand. A Native Canadian friend thought that was a very powerful dream.

I would have to say the laying of an egg that can feed 27 people would tip them over into the good category.

And the guy who got killed with a single guy gouging kick was probably asking for it.

Odin’s impression of guy killed by ostrich:

Ooo, look at the birdy, but the birdy can’t fly, how come you’re not up in the air with all your birdy friends? OOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWW

CateAyo, I dreamt once that a huge eagle came down and ate out of my hand. A Native Canadian friend thought that was a very powerful dream.

Yes I would interpret as a very clear and powerful between you and whatever spirituality you believe in. Many of us believe that when we sleep, we commune with the spirit world.

forgive the hijack, please

The pink fairy armadillo is good. Chickens are evil.

Oh, of course slugs are evil, but snails are good.

Many extinct animals are are also either evil or good.

Wooly Mammoth
Megaceros (Irish Elk)
Hyracodon (running rhinoceros)
Archeopteryx (nasty little creatures)
Protoceratops (for framing Oviraptor)
Iguanadon (Don’t let the herbivory fool you. Look into his soul. Evil)
Wooly Rhinos
Sabre-tooth cats
Necrolestes (C’mon…the name alone tells you he’s evil!)

Also, all critters from the Burgess Shale are pure evil. We dodged a bullet when they went extinct in the PreCambrian, folks. Wiwaxia? Hallicigenia? Opabinia? Anomalocaris? We’re talking Servitors of Cthulhu level evil.

Yes! Yes! Squirrels are evil, I tells you, eeeeeevil! They spend all their time up in the trees, plotting how to take over the world. And digging up my plants. But they did bring me a little green plastic bucket and a Christmas cactus, so maybe they’re not all bad.

Ooh, chickens - I forgot chickens, another animal that is evil but too stupid to know it.

Ostriches are definitely evil. I’ve met some and bleh, just awful and mean and stupid and too big. Chickens the same, but smaller. I consider it my duty to eat as much chicken as possible.

Plus, hey! I live in the desert and I’m not evil (much). Desert animals are just mis-understood. They’ve got to be tough, no nonsense types, because you get no second chances in the desert baby. A single exception; tarantula wasps are evil, laying eggs in the poor fuzzy lil’ tarantula.

Ladybugs bite, so evil. Kangaroos are just big bullies. Camels! How could I have forgotten camels? Smelly, lazy, mean, spitty, obstinate, disgusting, horrid things.

While wolverines are most assuredly evil, I kind of admire their eviltude.

Nanny goats are good. Mourning doves are good. Elephants are very very good. Sea horses are a delight. Burros I like. Bats are very nice fellows, eating nasty bugs for our lounging pleasure. Cheetas good.

Penguins I don’t trust. I believe they are secretly plotting to take over the world.

Manatees are most definitely good.


I keep hoping someone is going to tell me “Haha, just kidding, they don’t really exist.”

Domesticated chickens might be evil, but the Atwater’s Prairie Chicken is a good egg.

The hummingbirds in our yard are agressive but I can’t fault something that small that crossed the Gulf of Mexico without refuling for protecting it’s food source, plus they’re just so darn entertaining… zzzzzzzZZZZZZZOOOOOoooommmmm.


Fer de lance
Gabon Viper


Sea snakes
Horny toad
Musk Ox




Runs for the hills . . . :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :wink: :wink:

Evil: Cats

See My Cat Hates You if you need any proof at all.

This post is soooo wrong. The wrong wrongness of the wronging just screams out the wrongerosity of this post. Obviously the poster was somehow possessed by one of the evil animals coughRoadrunnercough and forced to write out this wrong. Well, let me right this wrong!
**Good ** - Wolves, Tigers, Coyotes, Dogs (except for Chihuahuas and Chow Chows), Lions, Owls, Whales,

Debateable: Ravens (fellow trickster, can’t be all bad), Elephants (huge stomping feet, there’s some evilness there), Sheep (they wear wool all the time, that must make them a little evil), Rabbits (I think they’re up to something), Octopuses (mmm … calamari)

Evil - Goats, Bears (except Black bears and Yogi bears - unless you are pick-a-nicking), Roadrunners, Pigs, Eels, Pythons, Vipers

That’s better.

Fire ants are the most evil robotonic killing machine ever devised by a demented creator.
Roaches are pretty bad, too, especially two-inch-long flying palmetto bugs.
Liver flukes are evil.
And as one who’s had them infesting his house, I can say that squirrels are categorically evil. And hard to get rid of.
Aphids are up to something.

Lightning bugs
Most birds, especially mockingbirds, robins, and wrens
Bears (really they’re evil, but who doesn’t like bears?)

I’m not much of a fan of bears.

Bears are good.

Ligers are good.

I guess if tigers and ligers are good, that probably implies that lions are good, unless goodness is a dominant trait. (Do you think it’s dominant or recessive?)

Horses and mules are good.

Hummingbirds appear good only because they’re so small. Take it from me, hey are in reality black-hearted evil little bastards, every one of them.

Colibri, professional trochilidologist.

A word of advice: If you have to PT in Florida, always do your situps on concrete. Sure the ground looks softer, and more comfortable, but it’s hard to spot them fire ant hills in the dark. Especially without one’s glasses on.

Evil animals:

Fire Ants
Small yippy things that think they’re dogs, but aren’t really.
Monkeys (In fact I’m tempted to class all primates as evil, but that’s not fair to gorillas.)

Good animals:
Bears (Especially if they’re friendly drunks. 500 lbs of mean drunk bear can be a problem, I’ll admit.)
Dogs, wolves and coyotes. (with the exception for small yippy things)
Too dumb to be classified as good or evil:

Cows (Yes, they’re so dumb they’re on the list twice :D)