Which animals are evil, which animals are good?

Pidgeons are nought but winged rats.

Evil: Humans

Good: Everything else

Harbor seals are good.

California sea lions are good.

Penguins are good. Except for Feathers McGraw.

(Have you seen this chicken?)


Water Moccassins
Those worms that cache their eggs outside your anus
Leopard Seals


Honey Bees
Clown Perculas

Good: meerkats, otters
Evil: scorpions, eye worms

That story scared the crap out of me. Probably the best zombie-themed fiction I’ve read.

Oh, puffins are good, too. Unless you’re afraid of clowns. Then you’re probably afraid they’ll eat you, so are actually evil. But they won’t, so they aren’t.

Angler fish are evil. But archer fish are cool.

Reptiles, in general, tend to be evil.

Parasites of any sort are evil.

Locusts are really evil.

Outdoors and not in their native environment, cats are unmitigatedly evil and should be shot on sight; however, indoors or in their native environment, cats are pretty good, I guess.

Ya know, Oppussums look evil but I’m convinced they’re good.

Now, those evil Koalas are the marsupials to watch out for.
Kangaroos also seem evil to me-- Just waiting to sucker punch you in the stomach with a double kick.

Sloths also have a decidely evil look, as well as sharing a name in a deadly sin, but I think they are decidely good and law abiding creatures.

Orcas are evil. If you don’t believe me, watch the BBC’s Blue Planet series. EVIL.

Coelacanths are good.

The Evilness of the Sage Rat:

Rat nose: Large. Rat boogers!
Rat eyes: Sunken. BEADY. Glows red in photgraphs from the front =o
Rat mouth: Overbite! And that silly sunken chin.
Rat EARS: Big. Not a nice round shape like Mickey. Eeevillllll
Rat body: Scrawny! Nothin uglier than a bony rat
Rat fingers: Ratty could use a nail clipping
Rat butt: Furry. Best not to think about it


The Rats of NIMH were good, though.

Then there is this odd dichotomy:

Head Lice good

Pubic Lice evil

You said it!

The Rats of NIMH are the only good rats in the history of the universe. Every other rat is completely, utterly, and unashamedly evil.

Rabbits are good though. And don’t even try to bring up General Woundwort. He was an abberation, a very unrabbit-like rabbit. Other rabbits are good.

:eek: How comes?

Pogo is your friend!

They are pure of heart.

OK, the Native American view, y’all. We don’t see anything as evil/good per se, BUT, different Nations are disturbed by the appearance of certain animals. For example, and owl is the bringer of bad news and bad luck, for lack of a better term, for my people. My wife’s people really dig owls, but mistrust snakes. Also to be considered are tricksters (with apologies to Twickster) who are neither good nor bad but are deceptive and sometimes put you in a bad place to teach you a lesson. At second glance, that does seem to describe our beloved co-conspirator, doesn’t it. Coyote is a well known trickster, as is Raven for many. My people consider the Rabbit, which so many of you think are cuddly and adorable, is the biggest trickster of all. Mssrs.Python were sage advisors. Have a care for the big sharp teeth, and grenades are effective.

Hawk (the Real, the Original…accept no substitutes, except perhaps Hawkeyejo)