Which Candidate Are You Most Like?

I’m, at the top, equal parts Clinton, Rubio and Bush with just a hair less of Sanders. Now, that is quite a combo!

I am, at the bottom, equal parts Fiorina and Paul.

I think my views are too “all over the place” for this type of questionnaire.

[li] Sanders 96%[/li][li] Clinton 84%[/li][li] O’Malley 66%[/li][li] Bush 39%[/li][li] Paul 31%[/li][li] Everyone else 13% or (much) less[/li][/ul]

Yep. I agree with Bernie a lot (but not on trade policy). I also like him because he’s a cranky old Jew, and I come from a long line of them.

If he’s still in when Colorado has its primary, I may well even vote for him, though I fully expect to be voting for Clinton in the general.

I got :
80% Sanders
71% Clinton
67% O’Malley

Not really surprised there. Here’s to hoping Bernie can pull it off.

First Republican on the list is J.E.B. at 46%. He’s the one I agree with the most, but it’d be a cold day in hell before I’d vote for any of that pack. Scariest thought on that list is I agree with Santorum (20%) more than Carson or Walker (both at 17%). Those have to be some crazy sons of bitches if they’re less reasonable than 'ol frothy.

As a Canadian, here’s what I got:

Clinton - 87%
Sanders - 81%
O’Malley - 66% (Never heard of him.)
Rubio - 57%
Paul - 54%
Santorum - 52%
Walker - 51%

No surprise for me that I side with the Democrats. The rest were under 50% with the lowest being Rick Perry at 18%.

I don’t often snort when I read things on the screen, but I did here. Good one.

Sanders (95%), then Clinton (83%). Not a huge surprise.
Highest rated non-Democrat was Bush, at 36%.

Interesting, according to this it is Marco Rubio at 88% and Rand Paul at 87% with Bush at 74% and Sanders at 56%.

Rubio: foreign policy, immigration, domestic policy, environmental, economic, healthcare and education.
Sanders (least likely person I would vote for): social issues

Interestingly, according to the site I am a centrist. Which makes a bit of sense because I think both parties suck.

The sections are really short and there is little to no nuance. I hate that.


Did you click the button to see more questions in each section? It helps some although there were still big issues IMO in each section that weren’t covered or covered superficially.

All this season I’ve felt like there has been a sad clown car of candidates. I guess it’s not surprising that the highest match I got was a mere 79% and that’s Rubio and Cruz. I’m pleased that it’s not Paul or Hillary so I don’t need to jump off a cliff.

94% Sanders
86% Clinton
74% O’Malley
Bush was #4, but way lower.

Sanders 95%
Clinton 91%
O’Malley 71%
Bush 68%
Paul 52%
Walker 31%
Cruz 23%
Fiorina 16%
Carson 15%
I might have to take a closer look at Bernie :smiley:

90% Sanders
81% Clinton
61% O’Malley
37% Paul
34% Christie

and then no major issues in common for the rest, with Fiorina at the bottom at 3%.

I tend to answer these things with my “in an ideal world” stance rather than my “positions I think are achievable” stance so I wouldn’t read too much into the Sanders concordance but I’ll definitely keep an eye on him. I was also interested to see where Paul and I agreed, often by coming to the same position for entirely different reasons.

I am not surprised by the order of my preferences; I am a huge Bernie fan. I did think the Hillary number would be lower and more in line with the O’Malley number.

[ul]94% Sanders - on domestic policy, immigration, economic, social, healthcare, and environmental issues.[/ul]
[ul]84% Clinton - on immigration, domestic policy, foreign policy, social, healthcare, environmental, and education issues[/ul]
[ul]71% O’Malley - on immigration, economic, and healthcare issues[/ul]
[ul]57% Paul - on foreign policy and domestic policy issues[/ul]
[ul]37% Huckabee - on no major issues[/ul]
[ul]28% Bush - on immigration, environmental, and education issues[/ul]
[ul]18% Carson - on no major issues[/ul]
[ul]18% Christie - on environmental issues[/ul]
[ul]15% Fiorina - on no major issues[/ul]
[ul]7% Walker - on no major issues[/ul]
[ul]7% Cruz - on no major issues[/ul]

Missed the edit window.

I also had **Santorum **and **Rubio **at 6% each.

I just looked at the analysis of who I side with by the issue on which, unsurprisingly, I side with Bernie on most issues, with the exception of Foreign policy on which, shockingly, I side mostly with Paul.

Almost missed the Ideology section:

“Your political beliefs would be considered strongly Left-Wing on an ideological scale, meaning you tend to support policies that promote social and economic equality.”

Looks like Bernie is the president most of us here on the Dope have been looking for but will probably never get. :frowning:

The site described me as “moderately left-wing.” I got
88% match to Sanders,
79% to HRC,
54% to Martin O’Malley.
36% to Huckabee,
34% to Christie, maybe, but he only displays intermittently and I wonder if my brain went into REM and hallucinated it,
21% to Rand Paul (some small agreement on foreign policy[del] and immigration[/del])
19% to Scott Walker,
11% to Ben Carson,
10% to Ted Cruz,
& 9% to Fiorina, who appears not to have discernible opinions.

I have 18% match to StraightDope.com, whatever that means, and that’s almost twice as good as my matches to my home state and hometown.

That’s not a surprise to those of us that know you.

So seeing O’Malley added to the results I decided to redo things. I expected some slight differences because of how close I remembered some of my decisions were on a lot of questions. I was surprised by some of the differences though.

I now side with Paul, Sanders and O’Malley on healthcare. What an interesting diversity of positions to be in agreement with. :smack:
My top 4 was the same but differently ordered and more tightly clustered.
I no longer have the big 24% percent drop off between #4 and #5. It’s more a gradual drop all the way down.
Some of my middle of the pack almost doubled their scores.
Huckabee was the big “winner” going from dead last at 12% to #7 with a 39%.
Ben Carson got exactly the same score at 17% and was dead last this time.

First result:

New result:
Rand Paul 61%
Hillary Clinton - 59%
Bernie Sanders - 59%
Jeb Bush - 53%
O’Malley - 44%

For getting fifth place O’Malley mostly escaped from close scrutiny. A lot of my higher weighted issues they “couldn’t determine his stance.” So much for my reason to actually take it again. :smack: