Which celebrities are comfortable making fun of themselves or their work publicly

I’ve always liked people who were able to poke a bit of fun at themselves. Which celebrities are comfortable making fun of themselves or their work publicly? I’m not going to be strict with the definition of celebrity, actors, writers, politicians, contemporary or historical are all fine.

My first example, and the reason I started this thread, is Scott Grimes, voice of Steve Smith on American Dad. I was watching the episode, American Dream Factory, in which Steve forms a band, and is heard rehearsing part of “Living on the Run.” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=REhaV0USLZU Roger comments that Steve’s band is hacky. I didn’t know until today that “Living on the Run” was a song released by Scott Grimes 2 years before the episode came out. I actually kind of like the song, it’s a little catchy, but in an unimpressive, hacky, sort of way. I thought it took guts for Scott Grimes to let them make fun of his music like that, especially since he’s hardly an internationally respected musical sensation.

Kevin Smith instantly comes to mind. I’ve never seen him fail to point out how fat he is when he is being interviewed.

Oliver Stone gave a guest lecture at one of my classes in college. When asked what he thought his best film was, Stone paused, then replied “Alexander.” He then explained that it was really hard for him to choose, but he understands that some of his films came out much better than others.

Craig Ferguson’s biggest single schtick is how much he and his entire show sucks, which is usually followed by his second biggest schtick, the “I am a flaming queen who lives for unprotected anal sex from strangers.”

I used to think he was the funniest person on television, but his gig has become too much of a one-note act (OK, two-note act) for me…

I think Tom Cruise actually has quite a bit of fun teasing himself, though I don’t think he appreciates others doing it to him.

Joss Whedon definitely teases himself.

I think Dolly Parton has a pretty good time making fun of herself sometimes. She said “It takes a lot of money to look this cheap.” She also is not opposed to plastic surgery saying “If it can be nipped, tucked, plucked or sucked, I’m having it done.”

I’d say Conan O Brien is the king of this.

Shatner is the king of this.

I immediately thought of Dolly Parton.

Pet Shop Boys do this a lot too. The hilarious commentary on their video collection DVD is basically the duo just taking the piss out of themselves, especially their very eighties early videos.

Kylie & Dannii Minogue sometimes make fun of their supposed “rivalry”, including staging a Dynasty-style catfight for a sketch in one of Kylie’s TV specials.

I’ve always adored Dolly, and have taken a page out of her book. I am quick to laugh at myself. And it’s not about ‘beating someone else to it’. It’s about genuinely finding humor in yourself. Then if someone does beat me to it, I am less likely to get offended and can laugh along. Got me through my teen years, it did.

Joan Rivers is pretty self-deprecating. And Phyllis Diller. I’m noticing I’m having an easier time finding those who may make fun of their looks than those who will make fun of their work or talents.

My favourite wink-wink-nudge-nudge-I’m-aware-of-my-public-image Dolly Parton quote:

“My fans keep saying I should run for President, but don’t you think there’s been enough boobs in the White House?”

Drew Carey never seemed to mind too much when someone else got a dig in on him when Whose Line Is It Anyway? was on.

Actually, I guess you could probably say that about all of the cast.

Young Candice Bergen had a reputation as a beautiful but incredibly stiff actress. In 1975 she became the first woman to host Saturday Night Live, and let the writers have their way with her. That was her breakthrough into comedy which led to much greater success.

Walter Cronkite was simultaneously enough of a prima donna to run the CBS Evening News like his own empire, and good-natured enough to make fun of himself at parties.

A LOT of celebrities take themselves far less seriously than you’d expect.

I just saw the Rush documentary “Beyond the Lighted Stage” last week, and was pleasantly surprised at how readily Geddy and Alex made fun of their Seventies costumes and some of their own pompousness (in particular, how much everyone seemed to hate their “Caress of Steel” album).

I give the boys credit for including some hilarious negative reviews they’ve received over the years.

Arnold Schwarzenegger doesn’t seem to have a problem making fun of himself, like he did in The Expendables, or by appearing on Hans And Franz, the SNL sketch that made fun of Arnold.

Justin Timberlake’s also gotten a lot of respect from me lately by making fun of himself.

The first thing I thought of was Pee Wee Herman’s first appearance after the whole indecent exposure thing. “Heard any good jokes lately?” Hilarious way to break the tension.

Bruce Campbell is the clown prince of B actors, as far as I’m concerned.

Go through the episode list for The Muppet Show
It was a frequent theme with the guest star.

N.P.H. trippin’ balls, obviously

Nathan Fillion has poked fun of his roles whenever he could. Firefly is an on-going joke/reference on Castle.

Schwarzenegger also made fun of himself in The Last Action Hero.

Charlie Sheen parodied his own image in Being John Malkovich, as did Malkovich himself (though Sheen really played up his image as a horndog).

Jennifer Grey played a parody version of herself in It’s Like, You Know, with jokes about her own career sprinkled throughout (most notably, her nose job).