Here’s my quandry. I have attended 2 Unitarian Universalist churches for the past several years. I attended church N for several years. They had a very good minister, and the religious education for my kids was certainly adequate. We got to know and be friends with several couples in the congregation, and there was a sizeable circle of people close to our age (say 30-55). On thing that bothered me a bit was that church N was EXTREMELY liberal. It was a novel situation for me to find myself somewhere where I was often the most conservative voice. Another related “problem” was that it seemed to say all viewpoints/interpretations were equally valid, which to me when carried to its extreme results in saying nothing is valid. Standing for everything is to me little different than standing for nothing. (We can discuss this to whatever extent you feel interesting.)
2 years ago the minister left church N. They hired an interim minister who absolutely sucked. I put up with a year of her worthless sermons, being alternatively pissed off and bored, figuring they’d hire someone better. When the search was unsuccessful after one year, and they renewed the interim’s contract, I couldn’t put up with any more.
So last year we attended church H. I must point out that neither N or H are in our immediate neighborhood. It takes about 15 min to drive to N, and 20-25 to H. H has a minister who may well be the best speaker I have ever heard. I would pay to attend a lecture series by him. Each Sunday he talks is a wonderful, educating, challenging, entertaining experience. BUT, the congregation is much different than N. Suffice it to say that in the year of attending, we became friends with but one couple. The congregation as a whole is much older than us. Also far more conservative than N (and in many ways more in line with my views). On the plus side, church H seems to me to present more of an idea of what UU represents, rather than N’s “anything goes” approach.
Went to the first service of the year yesterday (UU’s take the summer off) and saw a whole bunch of people I recognized and felt, “Oh yeah, I recognize them, but I never got to know them last year and don’t anticipate getting to know them this year, and I really am not interested in them, and they haven’t shown any signs of being interested in me.”
By contrast, we still receive social invitations from the gang at N. When we saw them over the summer, several folk were excited to tell us they had a new minister, and asked if that would bring us back. I saw the new minister. He gave his try out speech for the N hiring committee at H. He appears adequate at least, and not offensive. Unfortunately, just about anyone would pale against the guy at H.
So, there’s my quandry. Which church do I attend now? Like I said, we went to H yesterday, and intend to go to N next week. (The couple we became friends with at H are moving this fall where they will be closer to N - they are attending N with us next Sun after which we will have brunch at our house and talk about this.) My thoughts are that if the new guy at N is at least tolerable, I’d probably prefer to go there on a regular basis, where I truly feel part of the community, and sprinkle in a visit to H every month or 2 when I see the minister there is giving an especially interesting talk. I would appreciate your input.
Guess I should consider myself lucky to have to choose between 2 churches that both have so much going for them, tho in different ways.