Which *current* DC or Marvel superheroine is most generously endowed?

I’d say DC’s Powergirl. Any other reasonably current contenders for the “va-va-voom” title?

Yeah, but she’s well off of her JLE peak…

Encantadora , while not a heroine, has become more of a sympathetc character since her introductions, and boy, does she fit the bill…

An interesting anecdote I heard is that Wally Wood, well-known for drawing well-endowed women, deliberately kept inflating PG’s assets from issue to issue in a kind of test to see when the powers that be would step in. If you check his run on All-Star, you can see the rather startling development(s) from her first appearance to Wood’s last issue.

My goodness . . .

Shall I mention www.supermegatopia.com ? I’d say it puts the Big 2 to shame in the jubblies department!

It really depends on who is drawing them. Though some by design are better than others.

PG is perhaps the biggest, but Wanda The Scarlet Witch has, of late, been giving her a run for her money (and she has gorgeous curly auburn hair too.

Dammit! Thwarted again!

What are those things? Looks like a collection of amateur furry fetish toons.

Giganta was a villian on the old Superfriends cartoon, and she could grow to several hundred feet tall. One assumes that at her maximum size, her hooters would be at least as large as subway cars.

Big Barda, friend of Mister Miracle, the way Jack Kirby drew her.

Here’s another Marvel contender called “Titania” (see bottom right pic of her fighting She Hulk) I found while researching Powergirl, but based on the different artist interpretations I think her curves in this case are more artist inspired for that drawing than being a regular part of her regular history package.

Here’s another DC one called “Big-Titania”. but I don’t know if she’s strictly qualifies as a female as she’s got the biggest “package” I’ve ever seen on a women.

More or less, except not really amateur. The comic writers, made them deliberately as willy as possible. Heck, one character is a superhero grirl whose breasts become bigger and bigger if she don’t use her powers. Its an insanely funny mocking of fur fans.

Personally, i love Crushed! The Doomed Kitty Adventures. “The Temple of Infinite Lives”… heh!