Which current NFL player do you most hate?

Mine… Martin Gramatica, kicker boy for the Tampa Bay Bucs.

Yes, I admit he’s a talented kicker. He makes some field goals with impressive yardage.

HOWEVER, he’s an arrogant little shit who jumps around like a freakin’ lunatic.

Yeah, that describes a lot of NFL players, lol.

But something about him irks me more than most do.

Maybe it’s the fact that he is so short, and therefore when he jumps as high as he can he still only comes to his teammates chins. :smiley:

So which NFL player do you “love to hate”?

Gramatica cracks me up, I bet he played soccer.

Terrell Owens and Keshawn Johnson are the first two that popped into my head.
All the Saints and Lions as well.

I don’t follow the NFL much being a college football sort of guy, but is there any reason why anyone would like Bill Romanowski?

He seems to have no redeeming qualities as a human being.

LMAO, I bet you’re right! Maybe his problem stems from one too many hits to the head with a soccer ball, lol.

Romanowski and Keyshawn are excellent choices.
Allow me to nominate Cris Carter as well.
The whiniest little b**** to ever lace up cleats. Complains after every single paly practically. If he doesn’t catch it, it MUST be pass interference. This despite the fact that he could called for offensive pass interference on just about every play.

Kind of a shame he acts up on the field so much since from everything I’ve read, he’s one of the classier guys off the field.

Course, I’m a Packer fan, so YMMV :wink:

I knew Carter would get a vote, lol. Even though I’m a sad little Vikes fan myself. :frowning:

I used to say the same things about Brett Favre that you’re saying about Carter, but he’s just got too much talent to argue with him. Although I think Carter does, too. It hasn’t been pretty on the field the last few weeks, that’s for sure.

[list][list][list][list][list]Jerry Jones
…;)[sup]What an asshole![/sup]

ALL OF THEM I hate football in general. also, anything to do with it.
im probably gonna get flamed for that.
oh well, i dont care.

besides, i gotta do somthing about this post count

An even more obvious owner to hate–Al Davis. Greedy little greaser…

For GMs, I have to go with the Bungles’ Mike Brown. Pure ignorance of all elements of the game.

But for players, there are so many that I hate. Bryan Cox (alternative spelling welcome) probably takes the cake–not that I was happy when he went out with an injury this year, but I have never felt less sympathy for a player, especially after his revenge comments. Michael Irvin and Tony Siragusa have always been high on my list of loathed players too…

Randy Moss.

end of contest.

Terry Glenn. Biggest whiner and cry baby I’ve ever seen. Nothing has ever been his fault.

Ok, jk1245 is a Packer fan.

beagledave, are you a Packer fan or a Vikes fan that’s just simply had all he/she can take?

I’m guessing everyone who votes for a Vikings player will fall into one of those two categories, and I’d like to see how my prediction plays out…

NOTE: I am not disclaiming either players’ deservingness (nice word, eh?) of the votes NOR the posters’ opinions.

C’mon, the cheap shots, the racist comments…what’s not to like?

Most of the good ones have been named already:

I think M Gramatica is a prick.
Randy Moss needs to have his diaper changed.
Keshawn is a loudmouth pain in the ass.

But two others that come to mind:
I used to REALLY hate Merton Hanks but I’m not sure he still plays.
Shannon Sharpe – yeah, you’re pretty good, now STFU!!!. God, he annoys me.

Tony Siragusa of the Ravens.

Yeah, trash talk is OK, but he takes it way too far, with his attitude against other players in the league. I wouldn’t like to see him at any NFLPA event- he’d be the one standing in the corner, not talking to anybody.

He’s not playing anymore, but Cris Collinsworth sucks, too.

Brett Favre

The adulterous, drug addicted, alcoholic, “trying to be a good christian”, claims to ‘respect the Bears’, liar, whiner, cocky, son of a bitch hero to the children.

May he and all his family suffer under a lash.

had I been at the game yesterday I would have been most certainly arrested. I don’t like to see the Bears shaking hands and/or having a prayer circle with their rivals.

It’s bad copy.

Packers suck almost as much as we do. In fact, our records are the same. No reason to have that fucking grin on your face, idiot boy.


Jeff George. “Leadership skills? I don’t need no stinkin’ leadership skills”

Ryan Leaf. That boy’s underachievment is weapons grade.

Sounds to me like somebody’s got a crush on #4!

Come on Jar, admit it. It’s plainly obvious to everyone anyway.
(jk1245 battens down and prepares for the onslaught)

Terry Glenn. On Jerk of the Week, he’s amassed so many points that he’s even passed Rae Carruth.

Randy Moss. Could you work any less hard?

Terrell Owens. If the NFL has the equivalent of SDMB trolls, this is the guy.

Ricky Williams. He didn’t want to vote for Ron Dayne for the Heisman because he was bitter that he broke his yardage record.

John Elway. I don’t care that he doesn’t play anymore. He’s still a whiny woodchuck.

Jerry Jones. What’s up with the face lift, Jerry - are you and Michael Jackson trying to meet in the middle?

Without a doubt…

Bill Romanowski.

Spit in an opponents face?
Cheapshot artist?
Methamphetamine dealer?

I hate the sumbitch with the intensity of a technicolor baboon ass in a bleach factory.