Which Dope to link to?

When the board switched to the new server, I changed my link to . But any link to previous threads is always to http://boards.straightdope.com/sdmb/blahthreadblah

But I’m never signed in there…

so I sign in…

Am I signed in twice? Should I change my link to Straight Dope Message Board - Your direct line to thousands of the smartest, hippest people on the planet, plus a few total dipsticks. ?

I’m not sure what the problem is, but is boards.straightdope.com.

What do you mean by your “link”? A bookmark?

I’m not sure what’s happening to make you have to sign in twice, if6was9. I just tried your other link, got through to the board, even clicked on this: and I’m still logged in.

Might be a cache thing, or your browser security settings.

It’s a cookies thing. As far as your browser is concerned, boards.straightdope.com and the IP address version are two different things, when obviously in reality they’re not. Just change your bookmark back to the boards.straightdope.com version and you’ll be good to go.

FYI Ice Wolf you must have logged in to the IP address version at one point, that’s why you’re still logged in there. At least I would assume so - I can’t think of another way for that to happen.

But isn’t “there”, “here”? Whether you use the alpha or numeric URL (I know there’s proper terms, but I can’t think of 'em this time of the night, sorry), they still direct you to the same site, surely?

Yeah but your browser doesn’t know that. I have a separate URL that points to my messageboard for people who can’t get to the main address from work (just because it’s slackercentral doesn’t mean it’s not work appropriate, come on!), and if you log in on one address, you still have to log into the second if you go there.

Ah, okay. Cheers for that, Slacker.

Yes, but there are several different things going on; the domain name is looked up and resolves to an IP address and the browser retrieves stuff from it, but it looks as though that name resolution isn’t reflected in the indexing of the cookies; On my machine, IE creates a cookie named mangetout@boards.straightdope[2].txt or mangetout@208.100.26[2].txt, depending on how I tell the browser to find the site.

Firefox does the same, except for subtle differences in the naming structure.

Thanks, Slacker. That’s kinda what I thought.

My link BTW, is my homepage. Just a local html file with all the places I go everyday.