Which is worse.. slut shaming or prude shaming?

To quote the OP:

That’s what the OP was calling “prude shaming”, and it certainly does sound like a rape apologist to shame a woman who states she’ll defend herself. Assuming we aren’t talking about some hypothetical hypersensitive paranoid type who interprets “Hi” and a wave as an “inappropriate gesture” at least.

Sure. It sounds like the kind of thing you’d see from some old fashioned misogynist who calls women “temptresses who lead men into sin”; who has sex with any woman he can, thinks it’s a sin and blames them for it.

Worse in what sense; more common, more damaging, or more morally indefensible?

Yeah, I also feel they’re basically the same thing from different directions. Both are shaming a woman for her sexual choices, and both could be used as “justifications” for sexual assault. If the woman’s a slut then she must have wanted it since she’s such a slut, and if she’s a prude then also must have wanted it but was just too much of a prude to admit it.

No, it doesn’t. At all. I will never understand the obsession with what women do with their ladyberries. Wanna have sex with 20 guys a day? Knock yourself out. Wanna wait until you’re married and have sex with one guy for the rest of your life? Woohoo! More power to you.

Do what (legally) suits you, and try to pay no attention to the weirdos.

They’re exactly the same thing at heart. They both boil down to ‘That woman doesn’t get to decide what she should and shouldn’t do with her body; I get to decide for her.’

Yep. This right here.

To me, if it is informed and honestly consensual, it’s fine. If not, not. No other moral issues or shame should be involved. I think they’re equally bad, but I do think slut-shaming is more prevalent if we are talking about women, as I presume we are.

As for having experienced it. No one has directly called me anything, but I do hear what guys say about other women behind those women’s backs. As a woman who likes her fun, I do sometimes feel aware of being thought a slut, or “cheap” or whatever, but when I catch myself, I snap the the hell out of it.

Women call other women sluts all the time too. Really wish they’d realize wtf they’re doing.

Wow. A lot of feelings on this. Neither is particularly bad. Here’s the news: making fun of people is fun, and being made fun of is not all that great.

What’s the big deal about the topic of mockery? Rape-culture? Ha. Someone’s feelings might get hurt? Well, duh.

I can think of worse things to be “shamed” about – personal, detailed, psychological things that can really hurt someone. An ex-girlfriend and I were great at that.

Sadly, society doesn’t treat it that way, and it can have an impact on one’s psyche.

The term I should have used is “societal” and I was referring to the greater potential to have offspring that others will have to take care of.

Wow. Gross.

Whatever. Mocking people isn’t exactly a new invention, you see. I think it’s worse to make fun of someone’s race or gender orientation than choices some make about how they conduct themselves sexually.

Obviously, I view both as mild mockery based on choices, and I don’t see any difference between the two.

Your little riposte, on the other hand, is not “gross,” but a pro-dullard, uncontemplative view.

Sort of this. The degree is hugely different. I was a “technical” virgin until 24, so I heard enough of so-called prude shaming. It totally paled in comparison to what my freer friends went through (and still do) with slut shaming. So, while both may be bad, it’s the latter that is out if control, more misogynistic and damaging, in my opinion, to ones self-esteem.

Agreed. Ew.

Yes, of course. Anyone who thinks it’s fucked up to go around ridiculing people for their perceived sexual shortcomings is surely an uncontemplative dullard. God, what was I thinking with that one?