Which of these entertainment options are you more (or less) likely to get lost in?

By “lost in,” I mean “give your complete attention to,” or perhaps “entirely or significantly enter the world of the story.” For that matter, which is LEAST likely to to garner your complete attention?

Poll coming in a moment, but don’t let that slow you down.

Dude! You left out video games! And RP games! Hell a good online RP game will put the Dope into perspective, if you know what I mean. And you call yourself evil!

I don’t play video games. I just don’t get them. I need actual story in my entertainment. That said I initially intended to include them, but then it occurred to me that literary non-fiction should be a separate category from literary fiction, and while adding that I forgot games.

And you’re the one who calls himself evil.

You’re knocking a video game’s lack of story as reason for disliking them? Skaldy, you just entered grandpa territory because one of the major complaints about games in the last decade is that they have too much story.

Which ones? I will freely admit to knowing nothning about current video games.

Pretty much all of them. Games typically last between 8 and 12 hours. That much time requires a massively byzantine plot that twists and turns until all the various threads resemble a doorstopper novel as opposed to a 2-hour movie.

That’s not even considering the RPG genre which usually goes for 20-30 hours minimum and would be better likened to a full season of a television show.

You left out light fiction. I can get completely lost in a nicely written little novel that doesn’t come anywhere near “quality literary fiction”.

I can also get lost in shows from PBS.

No, I didn’t. “Quality fiction” simply means that you like it, not that it’s Dostoyevsky. When I used the term quality in the first several options, I was distinguishing things you like from those you don’t. In other words, a Star Trek novel you love counts as quality fiction no less than Of Mice & Men.

You left out music! At least for “entertainment option” - perhaps not as much for the narrative.

I can get lost in any of those media, but it’s far more likely with written fiction.

And despite checking off the last option, I’m not actually picky about the kind of pie.

So we have lemon meringue, meant for the RhymerNieces, and pecan strychnine, meant for – well, that’s not important right now. A piece of each, then? :smiley:

I’ve lost the ability to get lost in TV shows for the most part. It doesn’t matter whehter it’s something I’ve seen a zillion times (like Angel, which I watch each morning while on the treadmill), or something new. My mind always wanders.

And I’ve never been able to get lost in anything on DVD or videotape. I don’t know why, as I could once get lost in regular television shows, and that obviously little different. My mind always wanders.

But give me a great movie or play, or better yet a great book, and I can get lost. Even some things that others find disruptive are not. When I think of House of Flying Daggers or Hero, for instance, the fact that I didn’t understand the langauge and had to rely on subtitles did not at all reduce the immersive qualities of the experience.

That occurred to me while I was replying to the light fiction complaint. Unlike that one, I think you are correct.

Getting lost in something is my definition of quality, then, for fiction.

Subtitles don’t have any impact on immersiveness for me, either. I’ve been known to glance away from the screen while watching a subbed movie and be surprised that I can’t understand the dialog any more.

Yes. Music, audiobooks and daydreaming were missing for me.

I get lost a lot. :slight_smile:

Novels/short stories, and video games. Those are what lead me to looking up and realizing that it’s two hours after I intended to go to bed, or that I’ve forgotten to eat breakfast and it’s now lunchtime.

My “other” is video games, as well, from casual Hidden Object games to MMORPGs like WoW.

For some reason, Bejeweled Blitz on Facebook pulls me in. I sit down to play a couple of games and next thing you know, it’s an hour later! It’s not even that great of a game!!

I think Skald was focusing on things you experience rather than things you do (activities you participate in). If the latter were included, people get lost in all sorts of things: various kinds of games (video and non), puzzles, arts, crafts, hobbies, etc.