Which president did I forget?

Curse you, Zeldar ! :wink:

I love Presidents Carter and Clinton. They’re like the angel and devil on my shoulders and, as I tell my Republican husband, I’m still “reporting” to Clinton.

Tell me about it. It’s just that I came in with FDR, so I have firsthand experience with that particular crowd. In school I could name them all, in order, all the way back. I doubt if I could name them all now, regardless of order.

I’d probably add in somebody like Davy Crockett to fill out the list.

The thing to note about Cleveland is that he was the 22nd and the 24th president, because he had two non-consecutive terms.

Right. I think I remembered that.

Which one of the Harrisons was it to get sick during his inauguration speech and die shortly thereafter? Benjamin or William Henry?

Oh, I’m definitely ashamed. But I did wonder if others might have dropped Jimma from their own list.

And there’s a yearly ice-cream social in the house he was born in. I’ve never actually been, but I’ve noticed it while stopping at the Dunkin’ Donuts across the street. :smiley:

For me, it’s like Washington, Adams, Monroe, Jefferson, duhhhhhhhhhhhh, Lincoln, duhhhhhh, Cleveland, duh,Cleveland, duhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, FDR, Truman, Eisenhower, JFK, LBJ, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush I, Clinton, Bush II.

I’m begging you all not to ask me what my degree is in. Begging.

Mmmmm. Did you get one of their delicious caramel swirl iced lattes?

Oooh ooh, wait–Washington, Adams, then Jefferson, Madison, Monroe, Adams the Sequel …

Yeah. That’s all I got.

And I probably did get the caramel iced latte. :slight_smile:

That would be William Henry.

Benjamin was one of line of presidents in the late nineteenth century who are easy to forget because the prevailing attitude of the time was to limit presidential influence and power relative to Congress and the Courts, resulting in very few memorable presidential acts from the period. If Congress didn’t suck so bad right now, too, I might be nostaligic for such a period… :eek:

What always amazes me is when I see graphs or charts of USA history and note that the timeline begins in the early 1500’s (1492, if you like the Columbus portion) but that we didn’t have a president until the late 1700’s. So we’ve been just over half our history with presidents and already we’re being compared to the Roman Empire with how long we’ll last. Look at the European systems that have lasted 1,000 years or more. And China. And even the Egyptians lasted a long time.

Do we panic too easily?

Okay, I have a question about that. How come you can’t get a cold from being cold, but you could back then?

For my money, the Courts suck, too. We need an old-fashioned revolution with guns and such. This Democracy thing isn’t doing its job. “The People Rule” my ass.

But wait. We can’t do that. Not enough guns in the private sector. My bad…

Maybe nowadays you have to get cold and have some germs bother you, too?
Maybe back then they didn’t allow for the germs.

Ah, another opportunity to rid my mind of some useless junk by sharing it with others.

My Mom used to have an old paperbook from the fifties called the Cool Book, whcih gave advice to teenagers of the time on how to be cool.

Their advice, if ever asked in history class to name the first several presidents in order, was to use to use the ever-so-intuitive and natural mnemonic, “When A Jolly Man Meets A Jolly Vamp, Hot Time Pop”.

So when I try to rattle them off, I at least get

Monroe or Madison
Monroe or Madison
Van Buren

eerrmmrmrmBenjamin Harrison (my wife’s related to the Harrison presidents)rmrmrmrrmrmrm*

*Some combination or other of Grant, Arthur, Buchanan, Hayes, Clevland (twice), Garfield, and maybe a couple of others

**some combination or other of Harding, Taft, Coolidge, maybe someone else

You could be right! :slight_smile:

That’s pretty much the funniest thing I’ve ever heard. Did that book have anything about, I don’t know, owning a fast car or anything?
Seriously, “Hot Time Pop”?

[Grandpa Simpson]

When I was a pup, we got spanked by Presidents till the cows came home. Grover Cleveland spanked me on two nonconsecutive occasions.

[/G S]

If I may, I’d like to offer this as a replacement for the subtitle for MPSIMS. So much more to the point.

Maybe, it’s been a while.

Sound more like something from the Twenties to me. But then again, I haven’t laid eyes on the book in about twenty-five years, and that damn stupid phrase is still in my head, so I guess they were on to something… :dubious: