Which president did I forget?

Well, yes, it did work. But it is pretty funny, don’t you agree?

What’s even funnier is that books like that are still being published, only now the concept of “cool” is being used to sell Born-Again Christendom to youth. :rolleyes:

To be fair, there aren’t really any current European systems that have lasted a thousand years.

I never forget Jimmy Carter. He’s the first president I remember as being president when I was a child.

FaerieBeth (born circa 1971)


Hasn’t Iceland’s parliament been in continuous operation for longer than that?

I used to be able to do the whole list with years (we had to learn it for 10th grade American history). Before reading past the OP, I tried to list FDR onward with years. I think I got it right.

FDR 33-45
Truman 45-53
Eisenhower 53-61
JFK 61-63
LBJ 63-69
Nixon 69-74
Ford 74-77
Carter 77-81
Reagan 81-89
Bush I 89-93
Clinton 93-01
Bush II 01-

I’d like to learn all the years again, but I have other things that need to be in my brain now.

Next time I need 8 bucks to qualify for Super Saver Shipping, guess what I’m getting.

When I was in seventh grade, my history teacher made us learn to sing the names of the presidents, in order, to the tune of “Yankee Doodle Dandy”. Fifteen years later, I can still do it*. Mrs. Baucom would be so proud.

*Well, I can do it up to Bush I, who was president when I was in seventh grade. Fortunately, my incredible memory helps me out with all of the many presidents since then.

Well, yes, but… Iceland was kingless at first, then got itself a king (through a union with Norway) in the 13th century, ended up under Danish rule in the 14th century, remained such until the early 1900s (with some changes in the meantime) and achieved independence at the end of World War II.

It depends on what you mean by “system”, I guess. I’d say the above means that the Icelandic system is only sixty years old, even though Althinget is well over a thousand.

If you “remember” that, you remember incorrectly.

Ford’s Vice President was Nelson Rockefeller. When Ford ran against Carter in 1976, his running mate was Bob Dole.

Four years later, when Regan got the Republican nomination, he toyed with the idea of making Gerald Ford his running mate, and during the 1980 GOP Convention, several news networks reported that it was going to happen. But Reagan showed up at the Convention to tell the delegates, that he’d been talking to Ford, and couldn’t reach an agreement with him (presumably, Ford wanted more power and responsibility that nordinary Vice PResidents are given), and that George H.W. Bush would be the VP nominee instead.

Bob Dole was Ford’s running mate. Reagan was Ford’s challenger in the primaries.


Now that you mention it, what I think I REALLY remember is Reagan also trying to be nominated by the Republicans the year Ford actually ran for President. I know there was some heavy Reagan activity during the convention that year. Is this true?

I can do them all in order with terms. The easiest way to do it is to break them into blocks. From 9 (W.H. Harrison) until 40 (Reagan) every 20 years the President died in office, so those are natural divisions to reference from. Also, Lincoln was 16, Cleveland was both the 22nd and the 24th and Kennedy was the 35th, so you can reference the obscure ones from there.

Yes, Reagan ran against Ford for the nomination in 1976, and made a strong showing, but Ford had the nomination sewn up before the convention, and won the nomination on the first ballot.

Here’s why I remember the involvement with Ford:

My Grandma was a die hard Republican. She loved her some GOP. And she supported President Ford that year. So, we’re at her house and she’s flipping around channels and comes across Ronald Reagan speaking at the convention. Well, she didn’t want him to get the nomination and was annoyed to see him and so, in response to seeing him on the TV, she commented “ahhh! go scratch your ass!”

And, yes, 4 years later she totally denied it and was the biggest Ronnie fan EVAR!