Which Product/Company Uses This Logo? (Attic Fan)

The plastic cover of my attic fan disintegrated and blew off. Two different attic fan installers told me that it could not be reattached, and I need to install a new fan - at a cost of about $375. So I’m looking to see if I can buy a new cover and reattach it. But I can’t figure out who manufactured it.

The only thing I have to go by is the logo on the cover. It looks like a number 3, but has three layers. IOW it’s like three different 3s, one directly inside the other. (Possibly it’s supposed to be view from the other direction, and is a very curly E.)

I’ve looked through a lot of images of attic fan covers on Google, and searched manufacturer’s logos for ones containing a 3, to no avail. (The motor and thermostat have been replaced over time, and are not indicators.)

Any ideas?

Maybe Cadet? Their logo has layered silhouettes that could look like 3’s.

Edit: http://www.cadetco.com/

There is no nameplate anywhere on the fan housing?

Thanks, but these look more like threes. (Interesting user-name post combo, BTW.)

Not that I can see. I’m only looking from the inside (attic) side - if there’s something on the outside (roof side) I wouldn’t see it.

There should be a metal plate on or near the fan motor giving basic electrical specs for the motor (voltage, amperage/horsepower, etc.). These almost always have the name of the company on them.

(If you’re real unlucky, that will have the name of the company that built the motor, rather than the fan maker. But it’s worth a try.)

I think it must have been on the motor itself. The motor has been replaced along the way.

On looking at the cover again, I now think it’s actually a W, with the sides curled in. (There’s a R trademark symbol above the W, which implies that it should be viewed that way.)