Although the question is worded to sound like a poll, the topic is of such utter insignificance that I figured it would be better off in MPSIMS.
When I bite into an apple, the stem points to the left. This direction happens to be parallel to the angular velocity vector of the apple as I rotate it to eat more after the initial bite. For what it’s worth, the direction of the angular velocity vector is determined by the right-hand rule, and I am right-handed. There might be some deeper meaning behind these observations, or it could be my mind finding patterns in the otherwise random minutiae of everyday life.
You eat apples with the stems still attached? Everybody knows you’re supposed to twist the stem once for each letter of the alphabet until it breaks off. That’s how you find out the first letter of the name of the person you’re going to marry!
I twist the stem off first. Before you count me a failure at apple-eating, I must point out that on each twist I mark off a letter of the alphabet. When the stem pops off you will marry someone whose name ends with that letter. Did no one ever teach you that? What is this world coming to?
*Now that I am married I apply some, oh so subltle, pressure at the K to confirm my correct choice.
Unless, of course, I am mad at mr smartini at the time and feel the need to remind myself that life is always full of options. Then I breeze merrily past the K. Take that! I’ll show him. I’m sure it really makes him toe the line.*
I twist off my apple stems (but don’t do the letter thing anymore - what if I didn’t come up with a “J”? That’s lots of explainin’ to do to my husband! :eek: ). But I eat the apple with the stem end at my thumb. If I switch hands while eating the apple, I flip it, so the stem end rests by the other thumb. It provides a nice grip.
I eat it while it’s still attatched to the tree, so whichever way is feasible. No just kidding. I’m a level 5 vegan, I don’t eat anything that casts a shadow.