Whites of the eyes a sign of health?

Do the eyes really tell what is going on inside the body? What types of illnesses or pathologies show themselves in the eyes? Can someone be in very bad health (cancer, malnourishment, poor aging) but have beautfull, white, gleaming eyes? (I understand that this is a subjective, qualitative measurement, but it is still relevant if you ask me.)

Maybe a better question: Many young people have glowing, sparkling eyes with no visible vessels, but not many older people, why is this? What is the mechanism by which our eyes lose their attractiveness? Exposure to UV? Poor perfusion? Do the cells in the eye have a tough time replicating or being fed?

You all know the phrase, “Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth”? Someone figured the horse’s mouth was the window to its health… do we have a window?!

Well, people with liver function problems can have a yellow tinge to their eyes. People who wear their contact lenses for too long can get extra blood vessels around their eyes. The sun can also cause visible damage to the eyes.