Who are our current "Abe Vigodas"? (people you might be surprised to learn are still alive)

A name which hasn’t been mentioned yet: Chubby Checker (Ernest Evans). He released “The Twist” back in 1960. And he’s still around sixty-three years later.

He even outlived members of the Fat Boys whom he teamed up with in the 80s for another version of The Twist.

Erich von Däniken (Chariots of the Gods) is still alive and has a new book out

Is the title Mobility Scooters of the Gods?

CBS Sunday Morning ran an interview of him a few weeks ago. The man’s mind is still clearly sharp as a tack. Even got pissed off at Ted Koppel at one point for dredging up policies he helped devise concerning Viet Nam 60 years ago.

Funny you should mention Ted Koppel in this thread. I could have sworn he died a few years back.

I must be thinking of some other news guy who died unexpectedly, but I can’t recall who.

Peter Jennings was a shock to me a few years ago.

Dan Rather is alive and over 90. Ted is a young 83.

Could it be Tim Russert?


Have you read Chariots of the Gods? He wasn’t sharp as a tack in the 80’s.

Short form of his theory: Around the time of the parting of the Red Sea, Venus was burped out of Jupiter, for reasons. It came rocketing past Mars, knocking Mars out of its orbit. Then it careened past Earth, and its ‘tail’ provided Manna from Heaven because the Bible says so, and because the difference between hydrocarbons and carbohydrates was apparently lost on Mr. Daniken. The gravity of one of them was responsible for the parting of the Red Sea as well.

Then as I recall, (haven’t read that piece of crap in 40 years), Venus also stopped the rotation of the Earth, because the Bible said so. Then Mars came swinging by and started the rotation again. Mars then went back into its original orbit, while Venus settled into the orbit it is in from a cometary orbit because the sun is electric and pulls things into a circle. Why then there are still old comets is left as an exercise for the reader.

I could detail what’s wrong with this theory, but there aren’t enough bytes on the internet.

Chariots of the Gods experts feel free to correct any details I got wrong. If you’re willing to admit to being an expert on Chariots of the Gods, that is.

@Cardigan was referring to Henry Kissinger, not Erich von Däniken. Unless Erich also created policies concerning Viet Nam 60 years ago.

Oops! I missed the context for that.

Oh well. Eric Von Daniken is still an idiot.


That actually started to become interesting.

Okay, that’s a surprise to me!

Are you sure you’ve got the right idiot? What you’re describing sounds more like Immanuel Velikovsky. Von Daniken’s craziness was centered around aliens visiting Earth and building ancient artifacts like the pyramids.

I read Chariots when i was an impressionable preteen. I may hold off on his latest endeavor.

You are absolutely right. I blame age. It was “Worlds in Collision” by Velikovsky that featured yummy Venus.

I even have a copy of Chariots of the Gods somewhere in paperback. I’ve been hauling it around in my book collection since I was a teenager for some reason. Quality wasn’t it.

Dr. Ruth Westheimer turned 95 today.
I for one was surprised to hear she’s still around.