The other day it was unseasonably warm here in central North Carolina. As soon as it was light, there was a terrible racket out back that continued for most of the day. There were dozens of squirrels running around, chasing each other, scrabbling over the roof, making all kinds of sounds…it was chaos for hours. I’ve never seen anything like this level of activity or this many squirrels at one time. It hasn’t reoccurred. I’ve tried searching the net for information but, apart from an amazing number of websites devoted to the furry beasts, not much explanation for group behavior could be found. So, does anyone know why I saw what I saw?
I suppose that’s what it was, although I’ve lived here for 10 years and have never seen or heard anything like it. Bizarre, with a capital B. THe squirrels here also chew on our gutters occassionaly and have chewed through the rubber piping that goes from the propane tank to the grill. And sometimes they seem to be eating bits of charcoal from the little charcoal grill we have. Very rat-like behavior, seems to me.
I suppose that’s what it was, although I’ve lived here for 10 years and have never seen or heard anything like it. Bizarre, with a capital B. THe squirrels here also chew on our gutters occassionaly and have chewed through the rubber piping that goes from the propane tank to the grill. And sometimes they seem to be eating bits of charcoal from the little charcoal grill we have. Very rat-like behavior, seems to me.
Next to kitten chaos, squirrel chaos is the cutest chaos there is.