who can (still) moonwalk?

This post is inspired by this vid I came across on u tube. Im actually much better at it than the girl in the vid.I glide across the stage.Can crab sideways pretty good also.The only two breakdance moves I could do well when I was a kid…

I was soo cool.Or so I thought. :cool:


With the right shoes on a hardwood surface, I still can. Maybe not on the first try, as it’s been a while, but yeah.

That kinda bordered on creepy. I bet that’s what mime school is like.
For how good she was at ‘teaching’ it, I’m surprised she wasn’t better at doing it. She clearly has the basics, but she doesn’t seem to flow, there’s a ‘bump’ between each step or something.

The US, probably. Russia, I don’t think they’ll ever get there. I bet China within the next 15 years.
