Who could possibly be Trump's running mate?

We’ve just have to wait and see who wins in his summer series- “The V.P.

Don Jr.? Ivanka? I could see it.

I believe that Chronos is positing that Trump will choose himself to be his own running mate, which … yeah, that sounds about right.

Tom Brandy ! I hope to HELL Trump doesn’t win ! :eek:

It might as well be the tooth fairy. He doesn’t want the job, just the attention.

All these people postulating President Trump is not sincere, but merely advertising or doing it for the preening rights, may like to explain why his Campaign Manager alone is taking home $250,000.

To quote from a song in my signature in a previous forum:
Running through the graveyard
we laughed my friends and I

He’s got in narrowed down to Meatloaf or Gary Bussey.

Seriously, as Mark Shields once said, the main role of VP candidates is to be either a head cheerleader or an attack dog. Hard to see anybody filling those roles for Trump better than he does himself.

Are you implying that $250,000 is a lot of money for his campaign manager? The campaign manager is basically the Chief Operating Officer, or maybe Executive Vice President, of an organization likely to have $1 billion in revenue. And you think $250,000 is some extravagant amount of money for that?

For the same reason he pays all of his other employees: Because they’re doing work that profits him. What’s so mysterious about that?

What is the norm for a presidential candidate’s campaign manager, in terms of pay?

Also, probably somebody whose political career is winding down anyway, so he wouldn’t have to worry about being damaged by association with Derp Fuerher.

Howard Stern or Ann Coulter

I think the clear answer is Vladimir Putin. He has already endorsed Trump. He’s the darling of the Republicans. It’s a no brainer. Sure, they’d need to amend the constitution but with Trump it would be the most excellent amendment ever so what could possibly go wrong? Trump/Putin 2016!!! I called it first.

Mark Cuban, naturally.

“Running mates are for losers who can’t follow through. Don’t worry, America… I got this!”

How about his daughter? Maybe then he’d stop talking about how he’d like to date her.

Pretty well laughably wrong. These things aren’t state secrets

Mr. Trump’s campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski, is being paid $20,000 a month, the equivalent of a $240,000 annual salary, according to a Federal Election Commission filing Wednesday. That is about 45% more than 2012 GOP nominee and multimillionaire Mitt Romney paid his senior staffers.


Romney’s seven highest-paid campaign staffers all made more in 2012 than anyone on Obama’s campaign
Rubio is paying his top man $198k: Rand Paul’s $129k; for Madam Clinton: Robby Mook, her campaign manager this time around, was paid at a rate of about $121,000 per year in May — about $18,000 less than what Clinton’s campaign manager eight years ago, Patti Solis Doyle, brought home. (Mook’s paychecks appear to have fallen by about half in June for reasons that were not immediately apparent.[)]

Your grandiose imaginings aside, it is not a billion-dollar campaign: apart from needfully large expenditure on transportings and staffers — for both of which Trump is outspending all others past and present, Mr. Trump is not spending a lot on the campaign. Mainly giving out free caps ( which post his election, may become $1000+ collectors’ items on eBay ).
Nor is this bid and his workers profiting him; like Carly and Ryan it is sunk lost cash. Offering himself as president won’t impress any of his American business clients ( which is mostly real estate and hotels and such crap ) so he doesn’t need to market himself to them; foreign clients — those unbothered by his xenophobia — may fall over themselves to support him, “We’ll be on the inside track.” but neither they nor he can benefit from his not winning.

Trump is the Future.

Cruz: it proves Trump has “a great relationship with the Hispanics,” has some govt experience but not enough to threaten the “outsiderness” and it would boost conservative turnout, which is what Trump is banking on

No, his “American business clients” are the viewers of his reality TV show, which is the only one of his business ventures that actually seems to be profitable. And his presidential run certainly does impress them.

He needs someone who doesn’t draw any attention away from him - his ego wouldn’t allow it. That complicates things. He also needs someone who is resigned to never being elected. But a Washington insider. And someone to show a bipartisan spirit.

So, either Bernie Sanders, or John Edwards.
