Who did you "side with" this election?

I found the poll to be deeply flawed. First and foremost, there were very few questions that directly addressed wealth inequality, a very important issue for most progressives, indeed, most Americans. That would have put more daylight between Sanders and Clinton, and also between Democrats and Republicans. Plus, there were NO questions about getting money out of politics, another very important issues for progressives, and one that would have put a LOT of daylight between Sanders and Clinton, and even more between Democratic and Republican candidates.

So, no confidence in the poll. My results:

99% Sanders (I split with most progressives on GMOs)
97% Stein
96% Hillary
53% McAfee
52% Johnson
31% Trump
23% Cruz

Me too, but FTR I wasn’t trying. I did adjust the weights somewhat, mostly to deweight questions that were poorly worded from my perspective. An example might be that I favor fracking with strict regulation. But in this poll, IIRC, I said that I simply favored it with a weighting towards weak.

Maybe this is the 3rd time I’ve been to that website (2nd election?). I’m highly dubious about their algorithm, to an amused degree.

95% Hillary

This wasn’t true for me, I got a 90% for Bernie Sanders and an 80% for Clinton (and ~50% for Trump). I must have narrowed in on every difference between Clinton’s and Sanders’ positions to get that spread if the scores are so tightly clustered for everyone else.

This was with every question weighted the same in importance, incidentally (for some reason, the weights couldn’t change when I took it).

Fun test!

96% Clinton, 95% Sanders. Accurate, as I voted for Clinton in the primary and plan to vote for her in November.

But why did it keep flashing an image of Ben Carson while it was tabulating my score? If that was meant to scare me, it worked!

I weighted questions, too, but I still wound up with Cruz way below Trump. Do you remember which questions you deweighted–at least, the ones that might be relevant? If not, fine, but I’m curious.

And, I do note the lack of decent economic questions mentioned up thread. But they are apparently constantly adding more questions. When I set this up, and then went back to get my score, they’d already told me that there was a new set of questions I missed.

Don’t they rotate the questions somewhat?

I treat this like a black box. I’m guessing if I did the test again, I’d get different scores. Any guesses I make about the results are highly speculative.

I also clicked through for more questions some of the time, but not all of the time. For some reason I didn’t dig too deep into the economic questions. (Also at a 2nd visit I couldn’t find a decent question that closely related to Trump’s, Cruz’s and Rubio’s preposterous tax plans. That they gave me a ~50% Cruz score is amusing but honestly shows how ridiculous their algorithm is.)
Anyway, sorry but I don’t think I can help you with further details. If you are really interested, maybe the website might share their algorithm with you. I’m guessing that doing such an exercise right is a lot harder than it looks.

91% Sanders
90% Clinton
82% Stein
82% McAfee
76% Johnson
72% Perry
71% Petersen
63% Kasich
46% Trump
41% Cruz

I’m truly ashamed that the last two are so high.

Sanders 95%
Stein 90%
Clinton 90%
Johnson 73%
McAfee 69%
Perry 61%
Petersen 57%
Kasich 57%
Trump 39%
Cruz 31%

Were there no questions about abortion?

87% - Gary Johnson
78% - Hillary Clinton
76% - Bernie Sanders
55% - Donald Trump
51% - Ted Cruz

Which is basically how I’d prefer to vote so that works out. If the guys over at 538 think the Republican candidate has a chance of winning I’ll vote for the democratic candidate to make sure the extreme crazy doesn’t make it in otherwise I’ll vote for Gary to express my true preference even though it won’t matter.

That happens with Javascript disabled. But that’s probably not your problem since it immediately announces, when JS is disabled, that,
“We highly suggest enabling JavaScript in order to access features which increase the accuracy of your results.”

81% Austin Peterson, never heard of the guy.
80% John McAfee, a crazy guy.

99% Sanders
95% Clinton
18% Trump
7% Cruz

I’ll hold my nose to vote for Clinton, because of Trump and Cruz.

Two places I disagree with Clinton:

  1. Common Core. She’s part of the Datamancy movement in education, taht believes the more you quantify students–regardless of whether the quantification is accurate or relevant, regardless of the amount of classroom time dedicated to such quantification–the better off you are, magically. Common Core isn’t exactly the harbinger of the datamancy movement, but it’s one of the datamancers’ main magic circles. I give provisional approval to the standards themselves, but object pretty strongly to the way they’re implemented by datamancers.
  2. Death penalty. She’s form, I’m agin it.

Surprised that I’m 100% with Sanders (97% Clinton). Happy that I’m only 12% Cruz

Sanders 96%
Clinton 94%
Stein 93%
Johnson 75%
McAfee 74% (this worries me - the guy is genuinely nuts)
Kasich 55%
Trump 20%
Cruz 18%

This is about what I expected - I guessed which categories I would end up in for the poll beforehand, and the only change I had to make after taking the quiz was moving Kasich down one category (I had guessed 60-70%, actually 50-60%)

Sanders 97%
Clinton 96%
Kasich 33%
Trump 17%
Cruz 7%

very interesting distribution, hope we get a large sample.

My results:
88% Hillary Clinton Democratic
83% Bernie Sanders Democratic
72% John McAfee Libertarian
70% Jill Stein Green
68% Gary Johnson Libertarian
60% John Kasich Republican
59% Austin Petersen Libertarian
53% Ted Cruz Republican
43% Donald Trump Republican
39% Darryl W. Perry Libertarian

I tend to vote as much by gut-check as policy, but it looks like policy is not far from my gut. I’m planning to vote for Kasich in the primary as the least bad option, and these results confirm that as reasonable. Wouldn’t vote for him in the general, but unlikely to get the chance. Sanders is higher than I expected; he doesn’t pass my gut-check. Hillary is my favorite candidate this cycle; I’m hoping she gets the nomination so I can vote for her. Otherwise, it’ll be the Libertarian or Green candidate in the general.

97% Sanders
92% Clinton
51% Kasich
33% Trump
13% Cruz

96 Perry
95 Johnson
94 Mcafee
92 Petersen

79 Cruz
70 Sanders
65 Stein
62 Trump
57 Clinton
37 Kasich

I like that idea of how to vote. But my suggestion would be to look at the state level more, since you have more direct influence there.