Who do you have a crush on right...NOW? {redux}

Still sticking with Kirsten Dunst.

1300 miles away and smokin’ hot…just like it should be :wink:

Well, since I woke up from a very naughty dream this morning, I’d say Jon Tenney

Nobody at the moment.

Any volunteers?

Hmm, Mike Rowe, eh? I’ve never gotten into watching Dirty Jobs but I just may have to!

Oh, I remembered another of mine, from a show I just caught…the host from Iron Chef. The Chairman fellow.

Mike Rowe has a voice that could make you could curl up inside. His eyes and smile are simply luscious.

So, yeah, add Mike Rowe to my list.

And that’s to say nothing of his ass, which is also damned fine.

Oh yeah, now and forever… Mike Rowe.

Ahhhh. crushes…

We work in the same department. Her office is right next to mine. She’s friends with one of my office mates. And really we’re work friends as well. She’s kind of awkward in an endearing way. She’s usually not my type at all. I brighten each time she comes by. If she didn’t work in my department and if things weren’t going so well with the girl I’m seeing… I’d go for it.

I firmly believe in not shitting where you eat.

Funny how women tend to answer this question with celebrities, while men answer with coworkers.

That IS kinda odd, isn’t it.

Well, have you seen my co-workers? shudders

Except that it doesn’t actually appear to be true. gigi, zelie zelerton, stucco, Snickers, **frog princess ** and I all mentioned co-workers. **Rhiannon ** mentioned her taekwondo teacher, which is also seems worth mentioning. (Apologies if I’ve misidentified anyone’s gender!)

Granted, many of us *also * mentioned a celebrity. But we do crush on guys we actually know.

Men are easier to enthrall. Women have higher standards.

Another reason: For a man, fantasizing about a coworker is wishful thinking. For a woman, it’s a frightening prospect. I do think women tend to think more about the consequences.


the e-surance cartoon babe

OK then, if I have to pick a celebrity, I’m going with Portia DiRossi. That hasn’t changed much in 4 years either.

In fact, both crushes bear stiking similarities in hair and body types.

Well, I work with all women. I’m afraid I don’t have a crush on any of them. And my boss, while male and not unattractive, is kind of a dick, so I’m not crushing on him.

IRL crushes? I don’t have any at the moment.

Sorry, ladies, not fast enough.

Just met a new co-worker. Yow.

I started a new job just over a year ago, and it’s the first job I’ve ever had with crush-worthy coworkers. I’m on crush number 4 right now… in a year. I’ve never been this fantasy-slutty before! But DAAAAAmn I’ve got some hot coworkers.

(And I’m really glad to hear so many people have crushes on their coworkers. I thought it was just me!)

Oh, that’s not fair! Who can you tell if not us?
Pretty please? :stuck_out_tongue:

Since we’re allowing the unattainable, I will mention my own crushes. I’m happily married, so of course everyone’s off-limits (Love you, honey!). In that light…

From real life:
My brother-in-law’s wife has the cutest voice, tiniest little nose, smart as a whip, and firm & resolute in her opinions. Oh, and she’s an excellent chef. Very hot. Although, I haven’t been as hot on her since she misspelled the word “compliment” once in an email to me. Yeah, I know…I’m odd…but, “complement”!??!?! Come on.

I belong to a group of programmers that meets monthly. One of them is a woman. She’s smart, funny, and pretty. She’s a published author, and runs two businesses. Whew…It’s getting hot in here! Goes without saying that she’s already married. Who could pass that up?

From T.V.:
Pam from “The Office”. Not just her looks, but her whole personality. Funny, easy to talk to, artistic. Very attractive.

Kari from “Mythbusters”. Same mold: pretty, funny, and artistic. Bonus: redhead!

Ashley Judd’s character from “Star Trek: TNG” from waaay back when. She played a girl that (surprise, surprise!) Wesley was attracted to. You remember, the one with the numbered list of “life rules”? Wow.

Jeez, I have a new crush every 5 minutes…I’m fickle like that. I’ll have at least a dozen from the ride home. It helps that while I have some standards, they’re not all that stringent. 95% of my standards are encompassed by female, human, & breathing. So, if you meet my minimum standards and should I pass you on my way home, you might be my crush for the next 5 - 10 minutes.