I just went to Google Images, clicked on the camera icon to search by image, and uploaded a photo of myself. It didn’t find any other online pictures of me. But, It returned pictures that it called “Similar images”. Of the first five, there was a picture of Bernie Sanders, and a picture of Vladimir Putin. Which I thought was at least funny, if not instructive. Hair style is pretty obviously not one of the search criteria.
That was fun. The outcome is very different depending on which picture I use. I got the words "person"with one picture, with a lot of female politicians, and "blond"with another with a lot of blonde actresses.
Ina full-length picture, I look like “clothing,” and the similar images are of people wearing clothing. In a close-up, I look like “glasses,” and the similar images are of people wearing…you guessed it, glasses.
It now shows an assortment of individuals who’ve utilized Florida’s “Stand Your Ground” law . . . followed by the Dalai Lama. None of whom resemble me or each other.