Who else is reading Red Son?

This has got to be some of the best storytelling I’ve seen in a comic in a long long time. Especially if you’ve just finished an Uncanny X-Men.

I like the new twist on everything and the way it’s being presented. The thick cover and no ads is worth the extra couple of bucks.

For those of you who have no clue what I’m talking about, Red Son is a comic that plays out that Superman crash landed in Soviet Russia in the 50’s instead of the United States. The trend seems to be that in every issue a new superhero from the DC universe is introduced to take on Big Blue (or is it Big Red?).

Anyone else?

No one else, apparently.

I’m reading it and in my opinion it’s one of the best miniseries of the year so far. I can’t wait for Part 3.

It’s a pretty good miniseries. I tend to enjoy all the “Elseworlds” twists on the stories they’ve done so far.

But this one, where Superman is raised in the Soviet Union is one of the best by far. I can’t begin to speculate on haw the story will end.

I’m waiting until I get part three before I read the whole thing. Don’t be surprised if Supes goes all democratic and destroys the Soviet Union.

For the most part I like it a great deal. However, the use of Wonder Woman in part 2 irked me to absolutely no end.

Aside from that, however, I think it’s an interesting take on Superman, and it’s nice to see that Batman isn’t the one getting all the cool Elseworlds like always. Can’t wait for part 3.

Wonder Woman didn’t irk me, it is an Elseworld. But, even having that taken into consideration, am I the only one who didn’t buy:

Batman’s poofy Russian fur hat