Who else is totally psyched for Dark Knight?

I, for one, will be there opening weekend. No question. I didn’t even give my hubby a say in this. Just told him “It’s opening, we’re going”.

So far, with 43 reviews on rottentomatoes, it’s running at 88% fresh.

We both liked Batman Begins, quite a lot.


My problem is I hate crowds and as bad as I want to see it, I really don’t want to be there with a full auditorium. Maybe the first showing on Sunday.

We’re making an occasion of it and doing it Lux Level style at our cinema. http://www.nationalamusements.com/dine/luxlevels.asp

21 plus dinner and a movie, what a great idea. I can’t wait!

My friends and I have our tix for the midnight Thursday show - we’re ready!

I have tickets for the 3:30am Thursday showing.

If Bale can do a bit more acting than “Okay, I’m angry now. No I mean it, I’m really angry and I hate everything in the world!” for every scene of the movie, I’m sure I’ll be quite satisfied with the results.

Oh, man, I would so totally do that if it were available in our area!

As it is, we may spring for driving to a much nicer theater about an hour away from here instead of “staying local”.

My one huge hope is that the theater isn’t packed with 5-8YO kids who thought this would be an appropriate movie for them. To that end, we will not be going to a matinee showing.

I would love to go see it, but my last few experiences at the local theaters have been SO bad that I don’t even pay attention to movies until they’re out on DVD. It’s just not worth it.

I took Friday off for another reason. I think I’ll make a matinee.

I already have my ticket for the midnight showing at this theater: http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3287/2458931503_8df8abe2a0_o.jpg

Single giant screen, balcony, and good popcorn - what more do you need?

Damn, I love this city.


I think I win

My jealousy quotient overflows!

Have fun!

This makes me :frowning:
Hubby and I like movies, it’s true, but we also value the experience of “going to the movies”.

Me too, but less and less.

There are currently three movies running that seem like theatre deals to me: Dark Night, Wall-E, and (because I am a 3D geek only) Journey to the Center of the Earth.

If I had about $3000 bucks to spend on video gear, I would probably wait for DVD a lot more. Way too many theatre patrons these days need to be stabbed in the face; it’s a bit distracting.

I’m a little worried about it not living up to the hype, but yeah, I’m psyched. My only question is whether to see it in Imax or not.

Heh. Maybe we need to start a “dark crusade” of our own! :wink:
I totally agree.

We’re doing the same thing at our local iPic on Saturday night.

I can’t tell you how nice it is to be in a theater without teenagers.

Agreed. It’s why my wife and I like going to the last show of the night (usually 10-10:30). It’s always deserted and we can enjoy the movie with no distractions.

Me, too. We used to LOOOVE going to the movies, until we moved to a small town.

There’s two theaters complexes here: one is a remodel of a theater that’s been here forever, and they’ve made something like 5 theaters where there used to be only one. At least one is so small that it really doesn’t feel much different than being in our living room; the screen is that tiny.

Of the two “big” screens in that theater, they’ve let it go to the point that it’s difficult to find two non-broken chairs together. The chairs (used to) semi-recline; now the hinges have broken so that the broken ones are incredibly uncomfortable to sit in - the seat itself sags downwards so you’re about 6 inches lower than you should be, and constantly in danger of falling off.

The same two theaters don’t have proper sound insulation between them, so it’s difficult to hear the movie over the soundtrack of the movie playing next door.

Then there’s the other, newer theater complex. Eight or ten screens, none of which are huge but they’re not tiny either. Last time we went there, the voice track kept cutting out. They’d fix it, then it would go out again. Finally, halfway through the movie, we had missed so much of the dialog that it was hard to follow the story. We walked out, along with several other people, and demanded our money back. The manager gave it to us, and commented that he’d know the sound was an issue and it’d had been that way for a couple days. WTF?!?

This isn’t the first time we’d had issues with that theater, either. I can’t remember the details of what happened previously, but it was enough to make us swear off theater movies.

It’s really too bad; I like going to the movies, but not if it’s like this.

Some of the reviews are off the charts. It’s being compared not so much to other superhero movies but to great gangster epics like The departed. Ledger is getting raves and Oscar predictions, and they say it won’t be sentiment that gets him a nomiation but the sheer brilliance of his performance.

I must say that he struck me as an odd choice to play the Joker when i first heard it, but from what I’ve seen in the trailers and clips, his interpretation is fascinating. He’s not going for a cartoon character, but playing the character as a realistic, psychotic sicko. He’s actually scary. I like the way his clown makeup is sloppy and smeared. He’s a disordered personality. His look is not funny or theatrical. It’s unsettling. I wouldn’t have thought you could remove any trace of camp from the character, but Ledger seems to have done it. What a loss.

I really want to see it this weekend but my husband is going to be out of state at his cousin’s wedding so we’ll have to wait a week. (Not that we couldn’t go to it separately or with other people, it’s just one that we’ve been looking forward to seeing together.)

That’s very depressing; I abhor that movie.