Who finds Sarah Silverman Funny?

She’s the only stand-up comic currently working that I wouldn’t flip past.

The only one that comes to mind, anyway. Sharp and ironic.

I thought a lot of her stuff on Jesus Is Magic was pretty funny.
Her dead-pan “as a matter of fact” delivery on the shocking jokes cracks me up.
Discussing birth control:
My boyfriend and I have been using a new kind of birth control that has been effective. He cums on my face.

When I think a comedian bombed, I think of groans, boos, or no laughter. She’s not a HAW HAW laugh-out-loud type of comedian anyway, nor does she appeal to everyone (obviously), so to compare her to the “Fallon and the security guard impressions sketch” isn’t fair. I don’t think Silverman bombed at Amnesty. I think she did pretty well considering.

Speaking of someone who isn’t funny, and I can’t understand why anyone thinks he is. I’d much rather watch Sarah Silverman. It’s one of those taste things I guess. Anyway, the security guard guy seemed to get more laughs than Fallon in that sketch, which is just as it should be.

I agree. I also think that she’s extremely clever. She has a lot more going for her than mere shock value, since I still enjoy her work quite a bit while finding her most “shocking” material sort of boring. She also goes for the “funny song” bits once in a while, and I hate those no matter who does them.

But I thought Jesus is Magic was spectacular, and I very much enjoyed the first season of her show (although I didn’t think the second was as good).

All of my friends like her. It might be an age thing.

I have never found her to be funny. There have been some really funny stand up comics (Chris Rock, Richard Pryor, Roseanne Barr, Margaret Cho, George Carlin, and Patton Oswald come to mind) but she is not one of them. She isn’t famous for no reason though so there have got to be some people she appeals to out there.

Sarah Silverman is hot?

She is average looking at best.

Yeah, she’s funny.

Yes…I have never seen her comedic work, but I thought she was very good and creepily amusing as Monk’s stalker.

I’d say she’s girl-next-door hot, but not TV hot.

The only line of her’s I found funny was, “If you take a shower with your boyfriend, your breasts will come out sparkling clean”.

Fair enough.
I watched the whole concert and the crowd were usually really up for it, but maybe Silverman’s humour doesn’t translate well over here.

I agree Fallon wasn’t anything special, but he still got more laughs than Silverman.
The security guard was Shaun Williamson, who has (for example) appeared in a popular English soap.

I put her in the same group with Chelsea Handler–I was amused by the surprise twists and shock value of them both for a little while but that has worn thin. Now it’s all too self-conscious.

For the Record, Silverman earned 3 Emmy nods this morning:[ul][]Best Guest Actress in a Comedy (for her stint on Monk)[]Best Original Song (for "I’m F**ing Matt Damon")[]Best Short Format Live Action Program (for her “Nugget” on ComedyCentral.com)[/ul]

Mostly I don’t find her funny. But I did laugh at her Matt Damon video.

Bit of a resurrection here, but she’s got a video out for The Great Schlep which I think is good. Overall, she is my favorite comedian, but I don’t normally care for comedy. The last stand-up routine I found totally hilarious was Bill Cosby Himself.

Jesus Is Magic was so-so on my first viewing, but when I later played it for my mom (who also thinks she’s hilarious) I found it 100 times as funny and many of the jokes stuck with me for weeks. Not sure what that’s about.

“…First through the towers!” Brilliant.

I must agree with other posters that I don’t think of her as trying for shock humor at all. She may not be your thing, who is to say, but the shock gag perspective seems way off to me.

I occasionally find her quite amusing. My wife regularly laughs her ass off. Which I oppose, as my plans for my wife’s ass require it to be attached to her.

Like any good doper, I am of course way too cool to find anything by Sarah Silverman funny. And it’s not just because she picks on nerds, I swear.

She does fill the role of being one of the precious few women on the planet who isn’t beautiful, which means I don’t have to worry about being called out on the boards for besmirching her looks. Linda Hamilton’s ghastly deathmask looks just fine, but Sarah Silverman? Hideous.

Yep, it’s a good day in doperland.

I didn’t like her at first, but her show grew on me. I liked how it addresses the pure self-absorption and refusal to grow up that is pretty common among people of my generation (myself included).

If that’s the same act I saw, it was pretty clear that the “audience member” was a plant. I recall thinking I’d seen him somewhere before that.

She is funny, irreverent and pushes the envelope. what is there not to like?

Fun Sarah Video.