Who gets the profits from Cat Stevens' records?

Just saw an ad for his greatest hits CD and wondered if he still collects royalties from them.

In case you don’t know Cat Stevens converted to Islam, changed his name, and basically belives the west to be the land of the infidels. The last time I saw him on TV was about 10 years ago where he was stating his support for the death of Salmon Rushdie.

Presumably Cat Stevens collects his own royalties. Moslems don’t take a vow of poverty. What proportion of the royalties he gives to Islamic charities is another question.

The proceeds from Cat Stevens’ albums go to Yusuf Islam.

The Los Angeles Times had an article about him yesterday.
LA Times Article on Steven Georgiou / Cat Stevens / Yusuf Islam

He will probably be getting additional exposure soon, since A&M/Universal Music Enterprises’ is releasing newly remastered reissue of his original albums, marking the 30th anniversary of his debut.

As far as Wendell Wagner’s point, “what proportion of the royalties he gives to Islamic charities”, the article has this answer.