Just wondering the other day about this. Curious as to how it was worked it out. What time of day and was the tv on while you were doing it? Did you get the “How could you be so insensative to what’s going on that you want to do it now?” talk.
Sex with the TV on?? What a hideous idea in general, let alone then.
At the end of the day when the world was seemingly falling apart, we just plain needed each other, in the most basic of ways. That’s all.
My S.O. at the time and I had a discussion on this very topic that night; we were debating whether more or less nookie was had that night than on any other night. (We didn’t, among other reasons because I had donated blood and was feeling quite dizzy and awful.) We couldn’t decide between
a) more, because it’s a positive, comforting, and life-affirming thing; or
b) less, because people were just too shocked and repulsed to feel romantic.
Since I have a lot of family and friends in NY, inlcuding a close friend who works a couple of blocks from Ground Zero, I could barely form sentences until I knew they were all OK.
I didn’t. My wife was 9 mo. pregnant at the time and the boy “could have passed me in the hallway” so to speak. He actually came along a week later, fine and dandy.
Certainly, many folks did get screwed that day.
I scream, you scream, we all jihad for ICE CREAM!
Yep, I did. But it was 2am, several hours before the attack. What I remember most from that night is a pack of coyotes howling. It sounded like it was right outside the front door, which adds a certain spice to lovemaking. Of course, I had to run outside naked to corral our cats.
Whenever I hear coyotes now I think something bad is about to happen. Superstition.
Man, what a twisted question.
I didn’t have sex that day, but I do remember having a conversation a couple of days later with a girl I had been seeing. She asked me if we were boyfriend/girlfriend. I didn’t really like her that much, but in all truthfulness I told her, “I’m really not thinking about that right now.”
Mr. Legend was in a plane over Palm Springs, CA that morning when it happened. His plane was the last one to land at LAX that day, and they resumed flights the day he was supposed to travel home. He stayed over until the next Friday, assuming that it would be a zoo at the airport and it would be better to wait.
So, no, I didn’t have sex that day, and as a result of the events of the day, I didn’t get to have sex again for almost two weeks.
Oh…You mean with someone else. :smack:
I was gonna say, a lot of these PC geeks are having sex right now! :eek:
Seriously, no, it was several days after at least.
Hell, I didn’t leave the TV for the first couple of days, shock and awe.
I did… twice, even. I don’t feel proud about it or anything, but yeah. Comfort sex with the woman I love helped us both, I think.
Oh, but not in front of the TV, or not even while the TV was on.
No, but I did go for a pregnancy test at the fertility clinic that morning before it all happened. I felt very optimistic about the whole pregnancy thing and life in general. Later on they called me with the negative results and I told them I was relieved not to be bringing a new life into this messed up world.
I don’t think it would have been physically possible for me that night. I was too upset and angry… and drunk, very very drunk.
**5-HT, ** that post number of yours was 911. Very creepy!
No, but a while later a fellow I was seeing tried to get me started while he was watching the 9/11 memorial special.
I was like, um, NO?!, and he didn’t understand why not.
9/11 memorial specials and sex. Please choose one or the other.
I was drunk. Sorry.
Not really. That was a recurring theme in John D. McDonald novels–a violent event, ending in fatality, frequently drew couples together. He used to throw in a lot of pop psychology, so I don’t know whether he was using something he’d read as a plot device or extrapolating from a personal experience.
It was when Kidcat was conceived, we think.
We didn’t know about 9/11 until 3 days later. We were on Folegandros Island (2 ferry’s and 10 hours from Crete) enjoying our holiday. The ferry that we took back to civilization was bringing the newspapers with the news, but we were oblivious. We didn’t find out until we were on Santorini eating dinner when our waiter made a nervous-laughter joke. I ran to get a phone card and called my brother who told me the story. He couldn’t believe we didn’t know.
So ours was an ignorant union of lust, not concern.