Who has embarrassed your state the most?

I’ve been is WI 15 years. I’d have to go with Jeffrey Dahmer.

Raised in Illinois. For them, I’ll go with Al Capone. Or maybe, for a bigger ook factor, John Wayne Gacy.

Recently, it’s been a tossup between Tom Tancredo and Marilyn Musgrave, although Ward Churchill has been pretty embarrassing. (Google “CU professor” and see what the first three hits are!)

Kinky Friedman? :smiley:

I was born into a First Family of Virginia (FFV, to those in the know). I’d have to go with Robert E. Lee although my family would burn me at the stake for saying it. More recently George Allen.

I am now a resident of Washington DC and the answer is and always will be: Marion.

I didn’t think of Churchill - that’s a good one. Staying with CU, Rashan Salaam managed to take a Heisman Trophy and a first round draft pick and trade it all in for some ganja.

In terms of Sacramento (which, until very recently, was my home), it would have to go either to mass murderer Dorothea Puente, the city council in the early 90s responsible for the manhole debacle, or the various local politicians (John Doolittle the latest) to get in some sort of legal trouble.

I don’t think Teddy is really an embarrassment. He does represent the state and though he always votes the democratic ticket he will often lead the fight for it. He does speak his mind regardless of what others may think. Of course since he’ll be reelected even if he died I guess thats allot easier for a politician to do.

The big dig sums up MA politics. Lots of corruption and people pocketing money everywhere but in the sea of scumbags there isn’t anyone individual to point a finger at. Business as usual continues.

I saw this thread earlier in the day and have been trying to think of someone to nominate. Haven’t come up with someone yet. I’d like to through Mitt Romney up but I don’t think he embarrassed us. I just wish he wasn’t associated with us.

I’m originally from Utah. Can I just mention a religion which is the butt of many jokes?

In Japan I’m trying to think of a politician who doesn’t shoot his or her mouth off.

I’m having trouble with this question, because the 2 states I’ve lived in the longest are:
a) New York, which is too big, powerful, and blasé to ever be embarrassed about anything, and
b) Iowa, where nobody ever gets the national attention that is a necessary prerequisite for embarrassment.

The closest thing for Iowa was probably in the summer of 1993, when Des Moines flooded and had no clean water for 2 weeks. A city of 200,000 has to be pretty clueless to build its water treatment facility on unprotected floodplain.
The closest person was probably the Unabomber, who spent some time here as a kid working in the family Polish sausage packing operation.

Whoa! There’s a name from out of the past! And the Boulder PD was a good pick – in fact, the whole JonBenet Ramsey debacle was pretty damned embarrassing. Haggard, Dobson … oh, hell everything south of Castle Rock and north of Pueblo is pretty much an embarrassment.

Hey, oredigger77, does the name O.J. Simpson mean anything?

I’ll take Mike Nifong as an embarrassment. Rank incompetence and lying is significantly more embarrassing than opposing political views.

Well, maybe but Jesse Had a long run as an embarassment – what, 30 years or so? Volume counts!

I think I’ll nominate the City of San Francisco. :smiley:

Not to mention Gary Condit and Scott Peterson, both of Modesto.

Ugh. Then Vice President Dan Quayle misspelling potato in front of a classroom of children smarter than he was…

I live in CT and it’s Bush.

George Allen. Need I say more?

I live in NJ - I haven’t got enough time to list :smiley:


Shoot, I’d say Clayton Williams. Those guys have outraged more people, but Claytie turned more faces red with embarrassment than any one of them.

Maurice Clarett did a pretty good job of embarassing a whole lot of people. Plus, he’s still incarcerated (for armed robbery no less), which not a whole lot of the other people listed here can boast.