Is it legit? Like, does the guy actually have real sources feeding him real information?
I’m aware that Enty has a disclaimer at the bottom stating that it’s a mixture of fact and fiction, but I figured he just put that there to avoid legal trouble.
I’ve also read the various articles that supposedly “out” him as a fraud who doesn’t even live in California, but again, why would he tell the authors of those articles his true identity?
I’ve heard that, at the very least, the items that he “reveals” are likely true, as they supposedly come from a reliable, trusted source.
You people seem smart so I figured I’d ask here. Anybody have the scoop on this guy?
I’ve been a reader for a long time. I’ve seen real celebrities address Enty on twitter in such a way that they know who he is. Stuff like “Thanks pal. Hope to see you again soon. Call me.” So he is a real person known to others.
As for the truthiness of his site… Well, some of them would have to be fake just so if he were ever sued he could say “Oh I made this one up. Complete fiction”. I’m not a lawyer, but that’s the consensus I’ve seen in his comments section (which can be worse than the pit with its trolls). But some of it is very real. He posted just the other day about an A-list host diagnosed with cancer and a few hours later Roker made his announcement.
Some of it is complete garbage, just the worst of the stupidest fake news. But he was on to Weinstein before anyone else would say so. His personal stories are usually pretty funny. And there is speculation there are multiple Entys because the spelling and grammar changes.
So as far as gossip sites go, it’s probably more accurate than most, but it’s not reliable the way you want real news to be.
Most of the blinds about “Old Hollywood” are gossip that has been going around Hollywood for decades.
Years ago he had an item that James Dean faked his death and lived in obscurity in Canada. Another one claimed Jackie Gleason visited Area 51 and saw actual space aliens. I seriously doubt the veracity of both of them.
On the other hand he had blind items about Bill Cosby, Harvey Weinstein and Kevin Spacey years before they were exposed as predators so some of them are apparenty true.
The only real way to know if a reveal is true is if it makes the news elsewhere, like the Roker thing, the Weinstein, Spacey, Cosby things. And one could always say it’s back filling. If he does “A-list movie star cheating on his wife” and then next week someone is caught cheating, he could be like “see I told you” but it was totally made up. Like any good con.
But I find his stuff is very specific and I don’t think there’s a lot of back filling. I do think there is a lot of fake stuff or inaccurate stuff, but I don’t think he pretends after the fact.